Sidonio can feel proud about accomplishments leading Town of Murray

Posted 6 November 2023 at 1:16 pm


We need to give our thanks to the extraordinary person who has given more of his commitment to this community than almost anyone.

Joe Sidonio has been working to help this community be a better place for decades. To list just a very few of the amazing things he has quietly achieved for us all:

Joe was the first to see the possibility to restore the old Holley High School. It was he who secured the initial funding for the very first study and brought in those with experience from far and wide – against much nay-saying.  It took years to realize and many other people’s hard work, but Joe brought the very possibility to us by his vision and leadership.

Joe works every day to lower our taxes and reign in public spending.

Joe breathed the life into Mr. Fiorito’s vision to restore the Fancher WWII War Memorial.

Joe organized the first Farmland Protection Plan in the entire of Orleans County – a plan guiding our resource stewardship for future generations.

And so much more.

Singularly Joe Sidonio has had the courage to be the whistleblower to call out the forces of corruption in our local government. He has had the smarts to identify mismanagement of our hard-earned tax dollars and the honest conviction to vote “no” on the 2024 Murray tax increases. Valuing fairness for one and all he has taken steps to stop the entrenched government favoritism that permeates a self described, self-serving elite.

All of these things have benefited the lives of each and every citizen of this town.

All of the voices who choose to continue to overlook Joe’s accomplishments, constantly and aggressively strategizing and concocting to hurt him or belittle him or misrepresent him, do a disservice to our entire region – and they have missed a beautiful opportunity to uplift our town.

But those negative voices do not define him, they cannot take away the years of work he has done on our behalf, nor the generosity of time and thought he has given to this community, nor his deep appreciation for the honest people who everyday give their all, nor his personal generosity and care – particularly for those who are vulnerable –  nor the remarkable, respectful working relationships he has formed with professional women and men including the town supervisors of Orleans County and myriad others across the entire country.

Thank you Joe Sidonio.

My vote will be for you for Town Supervisor of Murray.

Mine is a vote of confidence, respect and thanks.

Amy Machamer


(Machamer is married to Sidonio.)