Sidonio brings passion, optimism to Murray
About a week ago, Oct. 29, Joe Sidonio sat as the only citizen of the more than 3,000 residents of our town to attend the annual Town of Murray budget hearing. Customarily he asked well researched questions about projected expenditures, and how newly generated revenues are to be accounted for, and where funds would be resourced to cover shortfalls in town income. Equally as customarily Town of Murray board members were unable to answer his questions.
Joe has attended every town of Murray board meeting, and every town of Murray planning board meeting that he can possibly attend for over 15 years. This interest, and this dedication, is extraordinary. Joe does this singularly because he believes in the possibility of a bright future for our community – and he bothers to become knowledgeable and educated about where we are now, and what steps need to be taken, and what questions need to be asked – to make that bright future become a reality.
Joe Sidonio is running for the position of supervisor of the Town of Murray as a public servant in order to make our community a better place to live.
Sadly detractors have slyly whispered suggestions – in gossip or on social media – that Joe does not wave enough, or that our dog traveled through a neighbor’s yard years ago, or that he questions trespassers on our property (in New York State the landowner is liable for all that happens on his or her property) or that Joe’s interest in becoming the supervisor of the town of Murray is self interested.
In fact, Joe is very friendly and cares about everyone. Joe is not interested in a NYS pension package or taxpayer funded health care or in getting something for nothing. Since arriving in New York State he has worked for himself and has paid his own way and will continue to pay his own way every day for everything.
He gets nothing for free and does not expect to – yet he quietly contributes generously to organizations that he feels are deserving. If only all knew that his interest is in growing a community that is really wholesome – where government and citizens work to support one another – inclusive of new residents and old, youth and age, countryside and village.
There are real issues and tough challenges before us as a community. Joe is a strong person who stands on principle, and has the strength of character to ask the questions, to do the homework – and the courage to improve government. We should all thank Joe for his many years’ worth of effort. Our very best thanks will be the votes we cast for him as Town of Murray supervisor on Tuesday.
Amy Machamer
(Machamer is married to Mr. Sidonio.)