Sheriff offers Halloween safety tips
Press Release, Sheriff Scott Hess
ALBION – As Halloween 2014 approaches, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office would like parents and children to follow these important safety tips:
Attend organized Halloween events or programs in your community.
If children go door-to-door “Trick or Treating,” they should stay within your neighborhood and only go homes of people known to you. Do not go to houses that are un-lighted and never enter a stranger’s home.
Children “Trick or Treating” should travel in groups or be accompanied a parent, relative, or trusted friend. Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult.
Children should only accept treats that are wrapped or packaged. Parents should examine all treats before allowing their child to consume them.
Children should wear flame-retardant costumes. Costumes should be light in color or at least have reflective tape on them. Children should also carry a flashlight. Make sure that your child’s Halloween mask does not obstruct his or her vision.
Sex Offenders are not required to stay at home on Halloween night unless it is a condition of their Parole or Probation. Registered Sex Offenders residing in Orleans County are listed on the Sheriff’s Office website.
If you suspect that any of your child’s treats have been tampered with, call 9-1-1 and report it. Save the un-eaten portion of the treat along with whatever object(s) you find so it can be examined by the responding officer. Tampering with any consumer product is a violation of both federal and state laws.
Also – Please instruct your children that damaging another person’s property or causing them injury, however slight, is a CRIME – not a prank!
The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office extends our very best wishes to everyone for a Safe and Happy Halloween!