Sheriff issues September report for Sheriff’s Office
Press Release, Sheriff Randy Bower
In the month of September, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department 911 Dispatch Center processed 1,944 police incidents, including 698 events for Sheriff’s Road Patrol, 198 for the New York State Police and 1,048 calls for the village police agencies of Lyndonville, Medina, Albion and Holley. There were 574 Fire/EMS-related calls dispatched countywide with 454 of those calls emergency medical in nature and 2 drug overdoses.
Road Patrol Deputies handled 44 automobile accidents, including 11 with injury and 16 car-deer collisions. Road patrol also made 57 service attempts and successfully served 31 subpoenas, civil or court papers.
The Sheriff’s Animal Control Division handled 149 incidents including 46 stray or loose animals, 7 neighbor dog problems, and several other miscellaneous animal calls. In addition, 14 animals were taken into shelter on voluntary surrenders.
The Orleans County Jail processed in 83 inmates and handled 82 prisoner transports to court appearances, medical treatments, or other correctional facilities.
As part of our continuing commitment to the community, Sheriff’s Week on Sept. 16-22 allowed us the opportunity to have lunch with all of the elementary students in all five school districts. We so enjoyed spending time with the children of our county.