Sheriff honors long-time volunteer with jail ministry team
Provided photo from Orleans County Sheriff’s Department
ALBION – Orleans County Sheriff Scott Hess recognized members of the correctional services faith-based ministry during a luncheon on Oct. 17.
David H. Ferris has been ministering to inmates since 1986. He received a plaque from the sheriff, in recognition of his “28 Years of Dedicated and Faithful Service to the Sheriff’s Office and the County of Orleans.” While Ferris is planning to “scale back” his ministry, he has no intention of retiring completely from this unselfish calling.
Seated from left: Mrs. Ben Harris, Rev. Ella Mae Hawkins, Dave Ferris and Mrs. Dawn King.
Standing from left: Sheriff Hess, Rev. Leroy Hawkins, Rev. Ben Harris, Rev. Richard Allis, Rev. Neil Samborski, Rev. Charles Barkowski, Mr. Dylan Parfitt, Rev. Dan Thurber, Rev. Don Snyder and Rev. Tim Lindsay (Jail Chaplain and Ministry Coordinator).