Sheriff details calls during blizzard including 60 vehicles that went off the road

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 25 December 2022 at 8:02 pm

Provided photo: Towing companies were busy in the blizzard, pulling vehicles that slid off the roadways.

Orleans County Sheriff Chris Bourke issued totals for responses for assistance to law enforcement and fire departments during the blizzard from Friday to early Sunday.

There were 20 motor vehicle accidents, 44 disabled vehicles, 60 vehicles off the road, 39 trees down, 34 rescues by fire departments, 12 wires down or arcing, 11 burglar alarms, 9 calls to assist motorists, 9 calls to assist fire departments, and 7 other calls to assist people.

Shelby and Barre seemed to get the worst impact from snow with Route 31A from Barre/Clarendon townline to Millville with the most disabled vehicles, Bourke said.