Shelby town supervisor says he has led many improvements in town government

Posted 21 February 2025 at 4:56 pm


In response to Mr. Heminway’s editorial dated February 18, 2025.

Mr. Heminway states “That changed with the rapid increase in taxes and other issues like the STAMP wastewater pipeline project that threatened to overwhelm Medina’s infrastructure capabilities and damage our county’s natural resources.” For the fiscal year 2024 my budget dropped the tax rate $2.53, and $1.79 outside the village and inside the village respectively.  The budget I submitted for fiscal year 2025 had a flat tax rate for the whole town of $3.40. Watch the budget meetings to see how that submitted budget was revamped. The STAMP plant expansion is being dealt with by the Town of Shelby combining forces with Orleans County.

Mr. Heminway writes, “The NYS 2021 Comptroller’s Audit Report and the 2024 follow-up audit.” There was no audit done in 2024, there was a review conducted by the Comptroller’s Office. All discrepancies have been corrected.

Heminway continues, “neither the former nor the current Supervisor resolved the discrepancies in the Town’s accounting records and could not provide a reasonable explanation for not correcting the discrepancies.” I was not the town supervisor for the prior years. That being said I inherited the records and I am responsible for the financial records of the Town.

For those not in attendance at this month’s Town Board meeting you would have heard from two independent accounting firms the town hired, explain that there was no corruption, and no money missing. All Town financial records are in order and are being finalized for 2023 and 2024. There will be a Notice published announcing the findings.

The Town has sound financial records and a strong financial footing. You would also have heard the accounting software purchased before I took office was malfunctioning, not all accounts were transferred into the new system by the software company, and even the contracted accountants could not get the software to work correctly. Moving forward the town has hired and is working with an accounting firm to maintain financial records in accordance with the state comptroller’s office.

So, maybe the current Supervisor did fix the towns financial records! Maybe the current Supervisor led the charge to defeat the windmills, fight the STAMP plant expansion, get an alternate cheaper supply of water, while still negotiating with the Village of Medina for cheaper water rates, invested the towns funds in a NYS authorized interest bearing entity (earning the town five figure interest on its funds).

Maybe the new Supervisor helped the highway superintendent purchase a much-needed new plow truck for cash (ARPA funds) while decreasing taxes, and use ARPA funds to fix and update the Town Hall building that needed repairs, all with the Town Board’s approval.

Maybe, just maybe, it takes time to accomplish tasks. I have spent my entire adult life since 19 years old serving and protecting this great country of ours. I am currently serving our great town and will do my best to serve all of the taxpayers of the Town of Shelby, as a life-long, proud Republican.

I welcome Mr. Heminway’s challenge for Town Supervisor. In fact until recently he was a life-long registered Democrat, meaning now he is a RINO, (Republican in Name Only) to fool you into giving him your vote. I only have two questions, why didn’t Mr. Heminway run for office before all these problems were fixed? Why not run as a Democrat?


Scott Wengewicz

Shelby Town Supervisor