Shelby GOP chair provides clarification about endorsement process

Posted 18 June 2021 at 7:01 am


It seems that some clarification of the endorsement process is needed, specifically in regards to the Town’s upcoming Primary for two Town Councilman seats.

On January 6, 2021, at a meeting following interviews to fill a vacant committee seat, a discussion was held on placing ads for the upcoming 2021 elections for Supervisor and two Councilman. In further discussion it was mutually agreed that if we did not receive any letters of interest, other than the current incumbents, we would hold a vote online considering the on-going Covid 19 restrictions. If other letters of interest were received, we would hold an in person meeting to interview all candidates.

During the weeks of January 10 and January 17, 2021, ads were published in both the Lake Country Pennysaver (free circulation to every residence) and the Orleans Hub front page, left side column (available to anyone with internet access).  It clearly stated to all Town of Shelby Republicans: “The following town positions are up for election in 2021: Supervisor, (2) Councilmen.”

The email address for the Committee’s Secretary and my personal cell phone number were listed in the ad with a deadline “No later than 1/21/21”.  It further stated that incumbent candidates may also interview for endorsement.

During this period I received letters of interest from incumbents Jeff Smith, Bill Bacon and Steve Seitz.

On January 22, 2021, I checked with the Town Committee Secretary and he stated he had not received any email correspondence of interest for any of the 3 positions. I told the committee I would hold off for one week, to 1/25/21, before proceeding in case someone had mailed their letter of interest and it was postmarked by 1/21. However, no such correspondence was received. I did not receive any phone calls.

On February 2, 2021 the Committee was still in agreement to forgo interviews with the incumbents and with no additional interest shown from residents of the Town of Shelby, an online vote was taken on February 3, 2021 and voting in the affirmative was unanimous to endorse Jeff Smith for Supervisor, Bill Bacon and Steve Seitz for Councilmen. No votes to the contrary or abstentions were made.

The endorsed names were submitted to the County Committee and petitions were prepared for signatures by the registered Republican residents of the Town of Shelby between March 2-15.

It was not until after March 23rd that I was notified of an additional person running for Councilman so we would be having a Town Primary on June 22.

The Letter to the Editor that I wrote on behalf of the Committee was restating the results of the vote on February 3, 2021. There is no conspiracy theory here. If a town resident doesn’t like the direction the town is taking, they need to speak up. Attend Board meetings, meet deadline dates to get the opportunity to be involved.

If you don’t know what a deadline date might be, you may submit your name to the Town Republican Committee to serve as a committee person or you may call the Orleans County Board of Elections office in Albion for additional information.

Pat Eick, Chairman

Town of Shelby Republican Committee