Sewing specialists, the ‘76 Stitchers,’ donate handiwork to North Wing residents at MMH

Provided photo: A group of friends who graduated from Medina High School in 1976 and get together to sew recently made and donated 30 caddies for wheelchairs and walkers to residents of the North Wing at Medina Memorial Hospital. From left are Kim Hare, North Wing employee; North Wing nursing supervisor Rebecca Mannella; sewing specialists Carol Bellack and Cindy Parada; Amy Strickland and Anna Lewis, both North Wing employees.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 25 August 2024 at 4:28 pm

MEDINA – Residents of the North Wing at Medina Memorial Hospital will find it more convenient to use their wheelchairs and walkers, thanks to a recent donation from a group of friends who graduated from Medina High School.

Carol Bellack, Cindy Parada, Helen Limina, Cindy Robinson, Dawn Fry, Sue Richards and Mary Beth Dean all graduated together in 1976 and have since formed a group they call the “76 Stitchers.”

Although they don’t all sew, they get together regularly to socialize. Recently, they thought it would be nice to do something for the North Wing residents and came up with the idea to sew caddies for wheelchairs and walkers.

Anyone who has ever had to use one of these devices knows you can’t navigate with one and carry anything, such as a drink, snack or puzzle book.

“Cindy Parada has a beautiful set-up at home for sewing,” Carol Bellack said. “She thought of the idea and visited the North Wing to see if there was something we could do for the residents. She has also contacted Hospice and Orchard Rehabilitation, so you’ll probably see us doing things for them in the future.”

Parada was also shown terry cloth bibs the North Wing uses, so they will also probably be in the making, Bellack said.

Bellack said not all the friends in the group sew, but those who don’t can help by ironing and cutting fabric.

Staff and residents said they appreciate the support and kindness this special group of ladies brought to them.

“In short, this is another time when our community has stepped up when they saw an opportunity to help,” said Scott Robinson, director of Marketing, Communication and Outreach at Orleans Community Health. “We’re lucky to have so many of these phenomenal people in the area.”