Seeking more AIM funding for Orleans County villages, towns a worthy quest

Posted 27 February 2024 at 2:13 pm


Thom Jenning’s recent letter regarding state funding to Orleans County is flawed in that monies given to schools are locked up for school use only. Funds given to the schools can only be used for artificial turf football fields, purchasing and holding large fields of farmland, maintaining large cash reserves, maintaining the buildings and grounds and yes some limited educational programs.

My first thought after reading Thom’s letter was that if things are so great in Orleans County, why did he move from Albion to Oakfield? Tom Rivers is taking up the right cause in seeking more AIM funds to be used by towns and villages as this money is for the benefit of the citizens at large, not just for pet projects by school districts in the county.

Taxes in the village of Albion are extremely high partially because funds that should be available are locked up as well. There exists a seven million dollar perpetual care fund for the expensive upkeep of Mt. Albion Cemetery, however only the funds derived from the interest on that money can be used. It is hardly enough, leaving village residents to pay the true cost, which contributes to higher taxes.

Government by itself produces nothing, much like accounting to a business for tax purposes. Citizens and business owners are the ones who have to pay for these services. The burden of government and business expenses are forever growing, like the IRS, which means you are having to ante up more and more of your hard earned money to pay for everything.

If the school districts that are receiving all this money were to reduce taxes, perhaps parents could afford to provide a nicer homes to raise their children, provide better quality food and clothing, pay for their children’s own breakfast and lunches and maybe even save for college.

School districts that take too much are causing parents to have fewer children due to the increased expense, which will spell the slow demise of the schools they are trying to fund. If there are fewer children to teach, there will be fewer teachers and administrators needed to educate them. In essence they are cutting their own throats by keeping taxes high.

Government has become a greater problem for citizens over the years in part because of voter apathy and ignorance. Government likes it that way. When you are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, the last thing you want to think about when you come home is politics. I’ve been there, I know.

This only perpetuates the mindset of people in government today who put their own interests ahead of yours because for whatever reason, there are too few voters to make a difference. “People Increasing Government Spending” or P. I. G. S. are much like the animal that doesn’t know when to stop feeding. “Citizen Activists Reducing Expansion” of government, or  C. A. R. E., like the farmer, need to oversee activities lest they become bloated and fat like P. I. G. S.

Recently, the County Legislature voted to purchase land and buildings to further expand county government. With school enrollment down in Albion, as in most districts, it would make sense for the county to share services with school districts by converting empty classroom space into office space for county workers. After all, schools are off the tax rolls and are already being paid for by residents. Why not use the empty space and save the taxpayers some money!

Gary Deiboldt
