Security guard is a writer and steady presence at CRFS
Art Buongiorne, 87, impresses with work ethic
Photo by Tom Rivers – Art Buongiorne of Albion works as a security officer and also does some administrative work for CRFS. He is pictured with Jodi Gaines, the CRFS chief executive officer.
ALBION – He is a friendly face at the entrance for Claims Recovery Financial Services at its East Avenue complex, the former Chase site.
Art Buongiorne is also an inspiration to the staff of 600 workers, a testament to a hard work ethic and a good heart.
Buongiorne works weekends as a security officer for CRFS. He also works during the week at the business, doing administrative work such as printing copies, sorting, collating and other tasks.
Buongiorne is 87. He said he’s been blessed with good health. He credits that to vitamin supplements, exercise and his Christian faith, as well as cutting back on sugar and carbs.
“It’s staying healthy and doing it God’s way,” said Buongiorne, who puts in 40-plus hours each week at CRFS.
He is a Holley native and a World War II veteran. He and Mary, his wife of 65 years, raised six children.
Buongiorne, a former carpenter, was working in security for a Rochester bank until he was 83. He was laid off. He wanted to keep working and was hired about two years ago by G4S, a company contracted for security by CRFS.
Buongiorne works Fridays and Saturdays for that company. He impressed the CRFS staff with his dedication and outgoing personality.
Jodi Gaines, the company CEO, found duties for Buongiorne so he could increase his pay.
“I’m really blessed by it,” he said. “They’ve created a job for me.”
Buongiorne has written three books, and is trying to get them published. In one of his writings, “Faith Builders,” he writes about the power of God. He credits his Christian faith for helping him break away from alcoholism when he was a young man.
Buongiorne also writes about Italians who settled in the Holley area and became very successful as entrepreneurs and public servants. Buongiorne includes Jodi Gaines, the former Jodi Penna, in that book he has titled, “The Italians and Why They Came.”
“Art has been a great addition,” Gaines said. “He is hard-working and dedicated.”