Section VI moving forward with fall sports

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 16 September 2020 at 5:31 pm

Getting overwhelming support from area school districts, the Section VI Executive Committee today approved moving forward with the start of fall sports practice as scheduled on September 21.

A press released sent out this afternoon by the Executive Committee stated that “the Athletic Council of Section VI today accepted the results of the formal post-card ballot that went out to their membership, and will move forward with fall sports.

“Over 70 districts submitted votes through the ballot process with 67 pledging their support for a September 21 start date.

“The post card ballot is a part of our Constitution and provides us with an avenue to do business”, Section VI President, Brett Banker said. “The procedure allows for consistent messaging and decision making from across our Section and the results speak for themselves.”

“Per the Return to Interscholastic Athletics document circulated by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) on September 4 and revised on September 11, local schools are now allowed to move forward in cross country, field hockey, golf, gymnastics, soccer, girls swimming and girls tennis. Competitive cheerleading, football and volleyball had already been shifted to March 1.

“It remains the right of each district and league to engage in their own decision-making process and commit to all of the allowable sports, some selected sports or even none”, Banker continued. “Each district will make the appropriate decision for their communities. We respect the position each district must take. Now it’s incumbent on all of us; athletic directors, coaches, athletes and families to do all we can to follow protocols and attempt to limit exposure.

The release concluded by stating that “the Section continues to work with their coaching chairs to discuss the issues associated with postseason play for the allowable fall sports.”