SCOPE registers voters and educates at rally

Posted 12 July 2014 at 12:00 am

By Sue Cook, staff reporter

ALBION – A rally today pushed Second Amendment advocates to register to vote and urge their friends and neighbors to also be more active in the political process.

“We need to stand up and use the power of the ballot box to enhance our freedom,” said Bob Lonsberry, a talk show host for WHAM 1180 in Rochester.

He was the lead-off speaker today for a rally organized by SCOPE. More than 100 people attended the “Our Constitution & Voter Registration” rally at St. Mary’s Athletic Club in Albion.

The band Dr. Moxy started the day with music while those attending the rally explored the stands. They played patriotic and American music including some music by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Lonsberry said that many states, including neighboring Pennsylvania, have more rights and freedoms than what New York allows.

Lonsberry encouraged those in attendance to go to their neighbors and say, “I don’t know if you vote, or if you’re registered to vote, but I hope you’d think about it. We’ve got to get people to care. We need to stand up and use the power of the ballot box to enhance our freedom.”

Chris Moss also addressed the crowd. He is running for lieutenant governor alongside Republican Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino.

“You guys are doing what we need you to do: register the voters and spread the message. The Safe Act and getting it repealed is one of our number one priorities,” said Moss.

Moss also said there were other issues that needed to be addressed. Property taxes, the ability to attract new businesses, cutting off pensions for people convicted of crimes, term limits and he also wants to address corruption in Albany. Fresh views are needed in Albany, he said.

Several groups were set up with displays including the NRA, SCOPE and Repeal NY Safe Act, Gia Arnold and the New York Revolution, Register & Vote, Shooters Committee on Political Education and Stop Common Core.

Moss says that as his time as sheriff, the changes to the laws that limit things such as clip capacity are not, in his view, making things safer. He says that in his experience criminals are not abiding by the laws. He wants everyone to hear the message about what the gun laws are and are not doing.

“We don’t talk to Republicans as Republicans or Democrats to Democrats. We give our message to New Yorkers. We can make this state a better place to live,” said Moss.

Other speakers for the day also echoed the message of how important voting is to have your opinion heard. They encourage everyone to get educated on the issue and to vote accordingly.

Albany radio host Melody Burns also spoke. She passed out stars from a retired flag to veterans later in the day.