SCOPE is inconsistent in downgrading rating for State Senate candidate
I read with disappointment the Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) changed Senate Candidate Johnny Destino’s rating. John Peracciny, Co-Chairman of Niagara County SCOPE, justified the downgrade by noting that Destino’s campaign “is being supported by officials that, in our opinion, are anti-gun owner and anti-Constitution.” This was quickly picked up by Rob Ortt who spoke of his A-plus rating at the expense of Destino.
What Rob Ortt and John Peracciny won’t tell you is that Rob Ortt is being supported by Republican Senator Dean Skelos.
The same Dean Skelos listed prominently on the New York State Republic Committee website (which has been sending out bush-league misleading mailers to Orleans County residents concerning Johnny Destino).
And the same Senator Dean Skelos that has an F rating from SCOPE.
SCOPE is not consistent. Downgrading Johnny Destino’s rating because SCOPE doesn’t agree with who is supporting him, while ignoring the support of Rob Ortt by Senator Skelos with his F rating is disingenuous.
The same goes for Rob Ortt – passing along SCOPE’s downgrade of John Destino while accepting the support of Dean Skelos comes across as the end justifying the means – and a winning at any price mentality.
Working to help preserve the Second Amendment rights of Orleans County voters needs to be based on consistency and facts.
Tom Klotzbach