School closing ends spring sports season
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement late this morning that schools will remain closed through the end of the current school year has officially put an end to the high school spring sports season.
In announcing the continuation of the school closing which began March 16, Cuomo said. “We must protect our children and educators, Given the current situation schools will remain closed for the rest of the current school year.”
“I feel terrible for our kids, especially the seniors, but it’s in everyone’s best interest,” said Medina Athletic Director Eric Valley. “In the greater scheme of things right now sports are not really that important. This has been a tough lesson but it shows that you can’t take everything for granted.”
“I feel sad for our seniors,” agreed Albion Athletic Director Adam Krenning. ” And it’s sad for the parents who like to watch their kids play. In small towns like ours this is what we look forward to seeing our kids play sports.”
“It’s sad because we really want to give our kids an opportunity to play sports,” said Lyndonville Athletic Director Jim Zeliff. “I wouldn’t be in the field I am now if it wasn’t for sports so I hope in the future we will be able to continue to give that same opportunity to our kids.”
Cuomo’s announcement followed decisions made early in the week by the State public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) to cancel the spring state playoffs and by Section VI officials to cancel the Section VI playoffs. Section V officials likewise today announced the cancellation of the spring season.
NYSPHSAA officials announced today that it “will begin the process of selecting members to serve on an ad hoc committee to address and analyze the potential impact of COVID-19 on the fall 2020 interscholastic athletic season.”