Schmidt touts endorsement from sheriff, who praises coroner for compassion

Posted 7 June 2024 at 6:35 am


When I was first elected coroner, the other coroners rarely spoke with each other. Our county’s state, county and village law enforcement agencies in general were not properly educated on the duties and authority of a coroner during the investigation of a death.

Our current sheriff was a road deputy and on my first case which happened to be a suicide, the law enforcement investigators on scene were asking me for direction as to what should be happening. Since then, I have worked diligently to not only educate many officers and work with all law enforcement agencies to investigate together, whatever type of death we had responded to.

Together we all have forged a relationship of understanding, knowledge and one which puts the needs of the family in the forefront while still doing what we need to do. I take great pride in my professional relationship as well as my friendship with now Sheriff Christopher Bourke. He in turn, has confidence in me as well. I’m proud to share this letter of endorsement with you and ask you to consider casting your first vote to keep Scott Schmidt as Chief Coroner on Republican Primary Election Day, June 25th. Thank you in advance for your vote and confidence in me.

Scott Schmidt


Chief Coroner-Orleans County

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to endorse Mr. Scott Schmidt for the position of county coroner. The job of coroner is very important and needs the most qualified people in the position.

I have worked with Mr. Schmidt on a professional level for over thirty years. He has always been courteous, professional, and compassionate during what is some of the most difficult times people have to deal with on their lives. Mr. Schmidt has always been available and responsive to the needs of the Sheriff’s Office. Beyond a doubt, he is the right person to continue in this position.


Christopher M. Bourke

Orleans County Sheriff