Santa trades sleigh for firetruck in Barre
Photos by Tom Rivers
BARRE – Santa visits families and children in Barre today while riding a Barre fire truck. Santa is pictured with Barre firefighters and the grandchildren of past fire chief Jesse Babcock.
The Barre firefighters include, from left: Ben Flansburg, Brian Neal, Brianna Caldwell, Austin Zobel and Chris Flansburg, back right.
The Babcock grandchildren include Lance Babcock, in back; Kallan Babcock, left; and Patrick Babcock, front right.
Santa is pictured with Jesse Babcock and Babcock’s grandchildren on Eagle Harbor Road.
Santa made 14 stops today and has 18 scheduled for Sunday. The Barre Volunteer Fire Company sends out letters to the Barre community, asking if they wanted Santa to stop by this weekend.
Barre firefighter Austin Zobel hands out candy canes provided by the Ladies Auxiliary.
The fire truck carrying Santa arrives at Jerry and Terry Bentley’s house on Route 98. The Bentleys had several young nieces and nephews as well as other family there to meet Santa.
Santa gets a big greeting from the children at the Bentley home.
Santa gives each kid a toy. (Those presents were dropped off at the Barre Fire Hall by parents or grandparents a few days ago.)
Teagan Bisig gives Santa a hug during one of his stops in Barre today.
Each kid is invited to go inside the fire truck and blow the horn.