Sansone very deserving of endorsement from Orleans County Sheriff’s Employees Association

Posted 25 May 2024 at 8:18 am


In response to the letter to the editor penned by Mr. Pratt, perhaps he should heed his own advice and fact check before writing his letters.

If you did proper fact checking, you’d learn that former County Judge James Punch wrote a letter endorsing Susan Howard for District Attorney. If you dig deeper, you’d find that Howard (if elected) intends to appoint Punch’s son as her Assistant District Attorney. I’d write a letter of endorsement too if my son stood a chance to gain such an appointment.

Our union, Council 82, Local #2966 (not the good ole’ boys club) is the 2nd largest law enforcement union in the county of Orleans behind the union representing the NYS Correction Officers at the two local prisons.

I am glad to take this opportunity to let you know how our endorsement process went for the Orleans County District Attorney election. We invited both candidates to speak to our members and afterwards, we had a discussion and voted unanimously to endorse John Sansone (a resident of Holley, NY – Orleans County). Mr. Sansone represents all the qualities we stand for and take an oath to uphold. He is fair, firm, and consistent, while ensuring that the proper form of justice is applied to each case.

Furthermore, we have had numerous opportunities to watch both candidates operate in the courtrooms of Orleans County and how they interact with law enforcement professionals when handling cases. It was very obvious to us which candidate has the ability to lead and organize the District Attorney’s Office appropriately; couple that with the fact that there are many negative ideas and themes that take direct aim at the justice system in New York… that is why we endorsed John Sansone. He is without a doubt, the right one for the job.

Lt. Chris Caufield

Union President – Council 82, Local #2966

Editor’s Note: The Orleans County Sheriff’s Employees Association represents about 50 corrections officers, public safety dispatchers, sheriff’s office clerks, and jail cooks.