Runners complete 5K trek around fairgrounds

By Kristina Gabalski, Correspondent Posted 18 July 2015 at 12:00 am

Photos and article by Kristina Gabalski

KNOWLESVILLE – The early morning weather was cloudy and muggy, but 33 participants made their way through the 2nd annual Orleans County 4-H Fair 5K Fun Run sponsored by the 4-H Fair Committee.

Participation was up exponentially from the first run in 2014, which had only two runners.

“This year is a much greater success than last year,” Fair Committee Chairman Mark Moore said following the run. “Thanks for supporting the fair.”

Grace Gregoire, left, and her mother Kellie Gregoire of Murray head for the finish line together at this morning’s 5K Fun Run.

Proceeds from the event benefit Orleans County 4-H programs.

The run looped around the fairgrounds – south along Wood Road; west on West Countyhouse Road; north on Taylor Hill Road; and back to the fairgrounds for the finish.

The Fun Run is not timed, but first place male and female runners, and first place male and female 4-H finishers were recognized.

Will Gregoire makes a sprint to the finish as the first male 4-H’er to cross the line at the 2015 Orleans County 4-H Fair 5K Fun Run. His twin brother, Jacques, is just behind on the left.

Evan Steier was the first male finisher. The first woman was Elizabeth Hawes. The first female 4-H’er was Emma Mathes and the first male 4-H’er was Will Gregoire.

The fun run kicked off a week of fair preparations. The Orleans County 4-H Fair runs the week of July 27-Aug. 1.

Evan Steier

Emma Mathes