Runners complete 5K trek around fairgrounds
KNOWLESVILLE – The early morning weather was cloudy and muggy, but 33 participants made their way through the 2nd annual Orleans County 4-H Fair 5K Fun Run sponsored by the 4-H Fair Committee.
Participation was up exponentially from the first run in 2014, which had only two runners.
“This year is a much greater success than last year,” Fair Committee Chairman Mark Moore said following the run. “Thanks for supporting the fair.”
Proceeds from the event benefit Orleans County 4-H programs.
The run looped around the fairgrounds – south along Wood Road; west on West Countyhouse Road; north on Taylor Hill Road; and back to the fairgrounds for the finish.
The Fun Run is not timed, but first place male and female runners, and first place male and female 4-H finishers were recognized.
Evan Steier was the first male finisher. The first woman was Elizabeth Hawes. The first female 4-H’er was Emma Mathes and the first male 4-H’er was Will Gregoire.
The fun run kicked off a week of fair preparations. The Orleans County 4-H Fair runs the week of July 27-Aug. 1.