Artist creates enchanted entrance to children’s library in Medina

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 16 December 2014 at 12:00 am

Photos by Tom Rivers – Judith Villavisanis takes a break from painting to pose with a new entrance leading to the children’s section. The library is having the entrance resemble a giant book.The portals in the book cover are spots for people to place books. The pig is Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web.

MEDINA – Winnie the Pooh, Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web, fairies, elves and other characters are all taking shape in a new entrance leading to the children’s section at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library.

Artist Judith Villavisanis has been working on the project for about three weeks. She is painting book sides of a book-shaped entrance. The cover faces the children’s section. The front or the pages in the book includes illustrations and famous characters from children’s literature, including Winnie the Pooh.

Some details from the front of the entrance, which resemble illustrations on a page.

Villavisanis, a former Albion resident who now lives in Florida, also wrote a poem and those words will be painted on the book pages. She submitted her proposal after reading an artilce in August on the Orleans Hub, where the library sought artist submissions.

The project has sparked lots of questions and interest from library patrons. Many stop and chat with the artist, and each passing day more details emerge. Villavisanis is hoping to have the project completed by this Sunday.

Villavisanis needs to add the text from a poem she wrote. She is doing the illustrations first and will then add the words from this poem:

All you wishers and dreamers,
pretenders and schemers,
Come in!
Pass through this portal
to enchanted forests
With fairies and
elves aplenty.

Or musical waters
where mermaids play
and treasures are
so many

Please do come in!
Walk through this book
and sail to worlds you have never been.
Come in!
This door will transport
you to towers of learning,
bending space and time.
Discover the moon and
stars and how they
all align.

Come in!
Magic awaits you
The Adventures are
Many, not costing a penny.
It can only begin
When you
Come in!

Villavisanis works on an illustration for the art project. Library Director Catherine Cooper is pleased with project and the public’s reaction.

“It’s a public piece of art,” Cooper said. “Everyone walks over and makes a comment. The creation of this will be part of people’s memory.”

Cooper said the project is part of interior renovations at the library, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2016.