Roy-Hart volleyball Coach Holahan receives Section VI Sportsmanship Award

Contributed Story Posted 12 September 2018 at 10:15 pm

Contributed Photo – Roy-Hart volleyball Coach Bill Holahan, center. receives the Section VI Sportsmanship Award from Doug Ames (Section VI Sportsmanship Coordinator), Adam Stoltman  (Superintendent of Alden Schools/Member of Section VI Board), Coach Bill Holahan, John Grzymala (Roy-Hart Athletic Director) and Jim Graczyk (Section VI Sportsmanship Coordinator).

Longtime Roy-Hart Coach, Bill Holahan, was recently honored at the Section VI Coaches Sportsmanship Awards Dinner.

The 19th Sportsmanship Recognition Dinner, held at the Columns Banquet facility, honored several coaches from various sports of the 95 schools that are members of the organization.  They were recognized for their coaching abilities and, more importantly, their ability to teach their student-athletes the value of good sportsmanship on and off the field.

Following the dinner, Coach Holahan, who is entering his 43rd year for coaching, was presented with his award.

He is the current Head Coach for the Girls Varsity Volleyball team and a past Varsity Girls Softball team coach.

Roy-Hart Athletic Director John Grzymala spoke on behalf of the school district and the Niagara-Orleans League.  “I have been in the Roy-Hart School District for ten years and Bill has been a great role model for not only me, but for thousands of Roy-Hart student-athletes,” he said.

Coach Holahan addressed the crowd that included his wife and daughter, “It has been an honor to coach at Roy-Hart, especially with all the support that I have had over the years and to have guided and watched the growth and development of the Roy-Hart program since its humble beginnings in the mid 1970’s. I still am in contact with a number of my former players who still play with us over the summer.”

Coach Holahan has coached his Lady Rams team to eight Niagara-Orleans Titles in 1983, 1991, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2008 and 2009.  Under his leadership the team also has three Sectional titles in 1983, 1987 and 1996.