Roy-Hart narrows school superintendent search to 3 finalists
Press Release, Royalton-Hartland Central School District
MIDDLEPORT – Next week, the Royalton-Hartland Board of Education will conclude its selection process to identify the district’s next superintendent.
The process for identifying the next superintendent commenced last month as the Board gathered to review complete application packets and identify six individuals from a field of 12 candidates submitting complete application packets.
Those six were interviewed by the Board of Education during the first week of November. Three candidates from that group have been identified to participate in the final interview process scheduled for
- Tuesday, November 15th
- Wednesday, November 16th
- Thursday, November 17th.
Each of the three candidates will spend an entire day in the district touring schools and interviewing with stakeholder groups. These focus groups will be composed of district administrators, support staff and teachers.
Each day at 5 p.m., the candidates will also interview with a community group composed of students, parents and other community stakeholders before engaging in a final interview with the Board of Education. The Board will have access to all the feedback of the stakeholder groups as part of its final deliberations to select a successful candidate.
The approach the Board will employ in this final leg of the process seeks to strike a balance between its commitment of an open, transparent search while respecting the challenges faced by the candidates participating in the final interview activities.
All community members are invited to the high school library on Nov. 15, 16 and 17 to meet the candidates and observe their participation in the community stakeholder session. Each candidate will enter the library at 4:45 p.m. and spend 15 minutes greeting and interacting with community members before beginning the actual interview with the focus group.
Community members are welcome to attend any individual interview or all three sessions. Anyone interested is asked to enter the library by 4:45 p.m. each day. Doors will be closed to community members at 5 p.m. once the interviews begin.
The Board hopes to appoint its new superintendent in December and anticipates that person to assume his or her new duties on or about Feb. 1, 2023.