Roy-Hart FFA earn awards at national convention in Indianapolis
Press Release, Royalton-Hartland FFA
MIDDLEPORT – Eleven members of the Royalton-Hartland FFA, led by Agriculture educator and FFA Advisor Matthew Sweeney, traveled to the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana last week. As New York State’s winner in the Farm & Agribusiness Management and Milk Quality & Products Career Development Event (CDE) competitions, Roy-Hart FFA members moved on to participate in these national contests and achieved historic success.
The National FFA Farm and Agribusiness Management CDE is designed to test the ability of students to apply economic principles and concepts in analyzing farm and ranch business management decisions. Participants respond to questions using financial documents and complete an in-depth problem-solving analysis section.
In this competition, Roy-Hart’s team earned a gold-ranking, placing 5th top team in the nation. Upon reviewing past state and national records, this 5th place team ranking stands to be the best result of a New York State FFA Farm & Agribusiness Mgt. CDE team in recorded history.
The team consists of students Garrett Armenia, gold-ranking individual, Sophia Santella, gold-ranking individual, Vanessa Grant, gold-ranking individual, and Sean Labiak, silver-ranking individual. In addition to this top 5 gold ranking, the team achieved the best written team activity score in the entire contest.
Milk Quality & Products CDE Team – From left include advisor Matthew Sweeney, Mackenzie Diamond, Caleb Verratti, Phinn Cousins and Joshua Kennedy.
The National FFA Milk Quality and Products CDE is a competitive event that allows students to prove their knowledge about the recognition, selection and management necessary for quality milk and dairy products. Participants must complete a written exam on milk production and marketing, evaluate milk samples for flavor and quality, identify cheeses and characteristics and complete milk acceptability tests in the team activity.
In this competition, Roy-Hart’s team earned a gold ranking, placing 10th high team in the nation.
The team consists of Phinn Cousins, gold-ranking individual; Joshua Kennedy, gold-ranking individual; Caleb Verratti, gold-ranking individual; and Mackenzie Diamond, silver-ranking individual. These Roy-Hart FFA members earned 1st place team in the California Mastitis Test (CMT) section of the competition and Joshua Kennedy was awarded 2nd High Individual in that section.
Lorna Becker is the first Roy-Hart student to earn the American FFA degree.
Lorna Becker, 2022 Royalton-Hartland graduate and former NYS FFA District 9 and Royalton-Hartland FFA Chapter President, was awarded her American FFA Degree at this year’s National Convention. She is the first recipient of the American FFA Degree for the Royalton-Hartland FFA Chapter!
The American FFA Degree, the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization, shows an FFA member’s dedication to his or her chapter and state FFA association. It demonstrates the effort that FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience and the outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited through their FFA career. American FFA Degree recipients show promise for the future and have gone above and beyond to achieve excellence. Less than 1% of the organization’s 1 million members earn this prestigious honor.
The Royalton-Hartland FFA Chapter would like to thank the continued support from the Roy-Hart CSD Board of Education and Administration, Royalton-Hartland Agriculture Foundation (RHAF), and the Roy-Hart school community. This support is integral to the local, region, state, and national successes of Niagara County’s sole school-based agriculture education program.
Royalton-Hartland FFA attended the 2024 National FFA Convention. From left in front include: Vanessa Grant, Sophia Santella, Lorna Becker and Mackenzie Diamond. In back: Kristopher Myers, Garrett Armenia, Caleb Verratti, Joshua Kennedy, Phinn Cousins, Sean Labiak and Anthony Adams.