Root highlights accomplishments in first term as Shelby highway superintendent

Posted 13 October 2023 at 8:02 am


My name is Dale Root and I am the Republican- and Conservative-endorsed incumbent for the Town of Shelby Highway Superintendent position. I will give you some documented facts of what has been accomplished during my first four years in office.

The town of Shelby has 45.9 miles of paved road, and as of this date 25.1 miles of roadway has been repaired and paved, along with 2 miles of reconditioned dirt roads. This includes cold pave, grader pave and chip sealing. We are currently on track with the town’s 5 year plan.

It wasn’t long after I assumed office that the pandemic hit. This resulted in escalating prices for everything as everyone knows. My Department persevered and continued, plowing, fixing roads, repairing water main breaks (of which there has been plenty).

During the pandemic the new truck order was cancelled with the uncertainty of covid. This past summer we were able to order a new plow truck to help bring our aging fleet up to date. Our High Liftfront end loader is on a 3 year lease, which saves the Town expensive repair bills.

We were able to purchase a new mini excavator, which is used routinely to repair water leaks.2 major leaks were recently found and repaired.One was two valves under Oak Orchard Creek, which resulted in substantial savings for the town resulting in no water leaked and less water purchased.

We are continuously testing and flushing water lines to ensure the quality required by state and county guidelines were not only met but exceeded.

This past summer was a banner year. The road crews assisted the village of Medina during their road paving project, in accordance with municipal agreements, enabling the town to obtain excess road millings which were used on town roads, and the town hall side parking lot, saving taxpayers untold tax dollars.

The Town Hall parking lot was milled and repaved. The courtroom was repainted (thank you Job Corps) at no labor expense to the town, and the carpet was replaced bringing our town hall up to date on much needed repairs. More will be accomplished next summer on the exterior.

So, it was a banner year on roads, water savings, shared services with other municipalities, trees cut, and stumps ground. I am proud of the work accomplished by the crew I work with.

In closing, are we better off than 4 years ago? I would say yes. My Democrat-endorsed opponent does not think so. When we work together we can accomplish much and move forward as a department.

I enjoy serving the Town of Shelby and would greatly appreciate your support November 7th for another term.

Thank you,

Dale Root
