Root has proven dependability going back many years

Posted 21 October 2023 at 6:41 am


Being a long retired business man, I have time to spare. I use it to peruse websites of the western NY area that lean toward community involvement and the dissemination of local information.

I find these websites less politically slanted and more open than regular newspapers. I especially like ones that allow comments and open Letters to the Editor on current events in the local community. Whether you agree with them or not, I think what people have to say in these forums can tell you a lot about the community itself.

Unfortunately, some letters to the Editor can get pretty aggressive when it comes to the political arena. While debating and sharing one’s ideas about political agendas and elections is a good thing, and totally acceptable, the mud-slinging and attacking the character of individuals seeking office is not.

That is a bane to the political process itself.  Some letters to the Orleans Hub that I recently read faintly eludes to those tactics. For that reason, I felt compelled to substantiate the character of a long-time friend of mine that’s running for office in the Town of Shelby.

I did a lot of business in Orleans County back in my younger days and I still have a lot of friends there, Dale Root among them. I’ve known Dale and his family for about 27 years, and I can tell you that they are very decent folks.

As to Dale himself, I’ve never observed him to treat anyone with nothing less than honesty, respect and fairness, including those who work for him in whatever capacity. Dale is a dependable man; he’s what I refer to as a “get ’er-done” kind of guy.

He’s also a man of his word and if he tells you he will do something for you, consider it done!  He has a good business head on him and just as important, a ton of common sense. He has a forthright work ethic and whatever he does, he does to the very best of his ability.

Is he perfect? No. But then, neither is anyone else running for a political office anywhere in this country. Shouldn’t we try to remember that in our comments?

Thank you for hearing me,

Robert Posey
