Retired judge says Schmidt has provided exemplary service as county coroner

Posted 7 June 2024 at 7:34 am


I have worked with coroners in Orleans County for the past 44 years. In that time, I have cross examined them, called and heard them as witnesses, reviewed coroner’s inquests, among many other types of proceedings.

Without reservation, I can state that Scott Schmidt is the most professional, well prepared, articulate and reliable of them all. He has a remarkable grasp of all aspects of his subject matter, and has the integrity to give his findings and opinions without fear or favor.

In addition, Scott is a valued and active member of the local community. He is also a leader in the larger community of coroners in the State of New York, and is held in high regard and respect throughout the state.

As many of you know, he has heroically contributed his time and expertise in dealing with the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on our country. He had a leadership role in the complicated, devastating process of identifying the thousands of victims of that attack. I was very proud to be from the same county as Scott when he gave freely of his energy, spirit and time.

I am honored to recommend Scott for re-election. Any community in the country would do well to seek out a person of Scott’s talents for this job, and we are enormously lucky to have him serving in Orleans County.


James Punch


Punch is retired as Orleans County Court judge, and also served as the county’s district attorney.