Retired Albion police officer says Banker, 2 trustees have his support in village election

Posted 17 March 2018 at 5:14 pm


I have lived in the Village of Albion my entire life of 57 years. I spent 20 years serving and protecting the Village of Albion community, the last 4-plus as number two in charge of the police department, as its lieutenant.

It is my understanding that there are two candidates running for mayor who wish to consider abolishing the police department. This would be detrimental to the safety of the residents of the Village of Albion.

There is one candidate for mayor and two trustees with experience and know that this would not be a good thing for our residents. For some apparent political reason, a retired legislator from another community, is attempting to influence the Village of Albion elections. Why!

There is only one way to vote Tuesday. Vote for your safety, and read between the lines. I’m voting Banker mayor, Farone and Katsanis trustees.

My family’s safety is very important to me. This is not political. It’s common sense!

Thomas K. O’Hearn


Retired lieutenant with Albion Police Department