Resurrection of Jesus offers hope for all in the world

Posted 9 April 2023 at 8:05 am


Two thousand years ago a Roman governor asked an angry mob a question. The mob demanded that Jesus be put to death. They thought that would be the end of Jesus but they were wrong.

Jesus was put to death and buried, but three days later He rose from the grave and proved He was indeed the Son of God. His bloody sacrifice on that Roman cross and His resurrection from the dead provided the means for every person to be forgiven of sin, washed clean and be restored to a right relationship with God.

Today, each one of us is asked the same question: What will you do with Jesus who is called Christ? We can either accept His sacrifice for us personally, repent and be forgiven for all of our sins and follow Him for the rest of our lives, or like the angry mob reject Him and push Him out of our lives dooming us to eternal torment when we die. There is no neutral ground. If we make no choice, we are rejecting His offer of eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Satan is real, and he is always trying to get us to follow his sin-filled way of life and keep us from the blessing of  salvation through Jesus Christ. Satan may also try to convince us we can always make a choice later, but then it will be too late.

Today, during this sacred season celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, make the life-changing decision to follow Jesus! He died for you personally.

Wayne Lemcke
