Residents should ask candidates questions, including during petition process

Posted 4 March 2024 at 7:38 am


The fervor of 2024 politics has now started in Orleans County.

It is petitioning time for any local county candidate wanting to be placed on the June 25 primary ballot.

This means volunteers for their respective candidates may be knocking on your door from now until April 4 asking for your signature on a petition for whom they represent. These signed petitions will then be turned into the Board of Elections and certified, so that a candidate can qualify for a line on the ballot.

This is the perfect time to start asking some questions, such as:

What are your qualifications?

Why do you want the job?

What future changes might you make?

Are they sincere in their convictions towards the position?

Do you represent the party or are you for the people?

Where is your residence and how long have you lived there?

Do not be afraid to ask questions. These candidates are representing you, the Orleans County taxpayer.

Thank you,

Jim Pratt
