Residents need to hold elected officials accountable for tax increases
Where is the outrage? The village of Medina raising taxes 5.54 %, Village of Holley raising taxes 6.6%, Village of Albion raising taxes 3.72, Holley School raising taxes 2.5 %, Lyndonville School 1%, Medina School 0% for 8 years in a row (applause, applause and to all who hold the line or cut).
Staying under or going over the tax cap is no deal for the public and nothing to be proud of by our leaders. It’s still a year after year tax increase. We can always guarantee a tax increase every year by the Republican-led County Legislature but what the heck the political class will have the brand new taxpayer-funded ten million dollar county building hopefully with a functioning intercom system.
I guarantee there will be more tax increases coming to our wallets as more municipal budgets are developed. I see in these budgets pay raises, new equipment, new hires and fantasies because government can never do without. Can never be basic. I see these tax raisers doing photo ops on the Hub showing what do-gooders they are.
I would be fearful and ashamed to show my face in public let alone in print. They don’t shame and they are not fearful because you JQ public don’t hold them accountable. I guess we’re all rich in this county ha, ha. Well I am calling them out, they are failing at their jobs.
If you raise taxes you failed – a big time Buffalo Bills Super Bowl moment. I try hold my town accountable, just ask my town supervisor. Will you hold your Town or Village accountable? It’s your duty. Get off the couch. It’s not wrong to demand responsible spending. It’s your money that you yearly have less of. It’s theft. Our locals are just as responsible for people leaving the area as out misguided Governor.
Paul Lauricella