Residents get out and vote
Photos by Tom Rivers
Voters cast their ballots inside the Hoag Library today.
Barre election inspectors are pictured in front of a giant American flag. The inspectors include, from left: Adrienne Daniels, Richard Brakenbury, Carol Smith and Terry Gillette. The 10-by17-foot flag is from 1886 and includes 38 stars. It was donated to the town by the DeZetter family.
Election inspectors say today felt like Presidential Election with a big turnout at the polls.
The photo at left shows a voter at the Hoag Library, which served as a polling place for the first time.
Jack Baron was among the voters at the library polling place today.
Baron remembers when the voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 in 1971 with the 26th Amendment.
He said he was the third person in the county between ages 18 to 20 to register to vote back in 1971.
He hasn’t missed a chance to vote since then.
“It’s your civic duty,” he said. “If you don’t vote, you let very few people run everything.”
Angela English voted today and she gave her support to Gov. Andrew Cuomo for re-election as governor.
She said Cuomo impresses her as a strong leader, unafraid to take a stand even with an unpopular issue.
The governor most recently stepped out to take the lead with the state’s handling of the Ebola sickness, English said.
She appreciated that the governor picked Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester as a medical institution for people to receive treatment.
She thought that showed great confidence in Strong as a medical facility.
The governor didn’t any support from another county resident. Rebecca Cross of Barre voted today for the first time. She is 38.
She is upset with Cuomo over the SAFE Act, which she sees as an infringement on her gun rights.
“I’m gun owner and I figured it’s about time I registered and voted,” Cross said.
“I never took the time to register but our rights as gun owners are under attack.”
Polls are open until 9 p.m. Orleans Hub will have election results later tonight.