Resident supports Hare for Medina Board of Education

Posted 18 May 2019 at 8:34 am


The Medina school board election is Tuesday. We have four people running for 3 seats.

I ask you to vote for Mary Eileen Hare. Mary Eileen was born, raised and attended Medina schools, graduating with a Regents diploma. She has shared her skills within Medina and outside of Medina.

I recently asked her what her vision for the board would be. She told me she would like to see the board become more united and change with the times and demographics of our district.

She sees a need for mutual respect and support for the entire working body of the school—teaching staff, support staff within the classrooms, office personal, custodial staff, cafeteria staff, bus drivers, administrators, parents and the board.  All are essential to make our school a continued success.

Mary Eileen would like to see the PSTA build. It is a bridge between the parents, teachers and the workings of the school. A strong PSTA will benefit our entire school system.

She would also like to see put in place a comprehensive plan for disasters. Our police department must know all three buildings thoroughly. There should be a plan in place informing where parents will gather for information and keeping roads clear for emergency vehicles. Our children must be educated to know what to look for and to report suspicions immediately.

Mary Eileen would like to see an adjustment in our school taxes. Taxes must be affordable. The school must practice fiscal responsibility, just as we all do with our own budgets.

Other topics to be considered are support for the children schooled at home, elimination of bullying, and continuation of volunteers in the school.

Board members must make their presence known in the schools to “See, Observe and Listen.”


Ann McElwee
