Record corn and soybean yields expected for New York

Posted 13 October 2021 at 11:09 am

Photo by Tom Rivers: A corn plant stands tall last month in a field of soybeans by Albion Central School near Clarendon Road.

Press Release, National Agricultural Statistics Service

ALBANY – The USDA-NASS has released the crop production forecast for October. The latest survey, which was conducted during the last week of September and the first week of October, included the following commodities:

• Corn production is forecast at 83.5 million bushels, up 6% from 2020. Based on conditions as of October 1, yields are expected to average 167.0 bushels per acre, unchanged from last month but up 10 bushels from the 2020 average. If this forecasted yield is realized, it will be a record high yield for New York. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 500 thousand acres, unchanged from 2020.

• Soybean production is forecast at 17.0 million bushels, up 7% from last year. Based on October 1 conditions, yields are expected to average a record high 53.0 bushels per acre, unchanged from last month and up 2.0 bushels from last year. Area for harvest is forecast at 320 thousand acres, up 8 thousand acres from 2020.

• Alfalfa hay and alfalfa mixtures production is forecast at 672 thousand tons, up 102 thousand from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, yield is expected to average 2.40 tons per acre, up 0.50 ton from last year. Harvested area is forecast at 280 thousand acres, down 20 thousand acres from last year.

• Other hay production is forecast at 1.70 million tons, up 49% from 2020. Based on October 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 2.00 tons per acre, up 0.50 ton per acre from last year. Harvested area is forecast at 850 thousand acres, up 12% from 2020.