Reaction to Biden’s State of the Union Address

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 2 March 2022 at 7:17 am

Political leaders have issued statements in response to President Biden’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.

President Biden

Gov. Kathy Hochul: “In his first State of the Union Address, President Biden outlined a bold vision to build a stronger America through smart federal investments that support hard-working Americans. New Yorkers have seen firsthand the benefits of the historic accomplishments of the President’s administration, including vaccinating 200 million Americans, spurring the fastest job growth in history, cutting child poverty, and providing a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure.

“Through President Biden’s leadership, America has made enormous progress in combatting the pandemic and setting the stage for our economic recovery. But we still face emerging threats that will require a focused, unified approach: growing armed conflict in Europe, rising inflation costs, increasing energy prices driven by a reliance on fossil fuels, and a rapidly changing climate – the existential threat of our time.

“I applaud the President for his ongoing efforts to form a strong and united coalition of international allies and provide direct assistance to Ukraine, as well as calling on Congress to take action that cuts costs for middle-class Americans and addresses the core health and economic challenges created by climate change. And I’m deeply grateful the president honored the memory of our fallen NYPD heroes, Officers Mora and Rivera, as he discussed comprehensive support for our public safety system.

“I thank President Biden for also highlighting the need to expand domestic manufacturing to combat inflation, in particular within the semiconductor industry. My administration has laid the groundwork to cement New York as the national hub for semiconductor manufacturing, and we are ready to work with the President to make his vision a reality. His leadership has put America on a path to a better, more inclusive nation, and I look forward to our continued partnership that will usher in a New Era for New York that will endure through the ages.”

Congressman Chris Jacobs, NY-27: “Despite his words tonight, President Biden’s actions, policies, and agenda have been bad for our nation and American families are paying the price. Reckless spending has driven our debt to record levels and caused an inflation crisis hitting hardworking families everywhere they spend money.

“Anti-American energy policies have killed our energy independence and driven fuel costs up for families. Open border policies have caused an illegal immigration and drug crisis at our southern border that continues to rage. Vaccine mandates threaten the viability of critical industries and the personal liberties of every American. And the reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan weakened our position in the world and emboldened our adversaries.

“President Biden’s actions have not been in the best interests of Americans. That is why my Republican colleagues and I have been fighting for common-sense, practical solutions to get our country back on track. We’ve introduced legislation to secure the southern border, to unleash domestic energy production, to protect parents’ rights, outlaw vaccine mandates, support police officers, bring down our national debt, and restore fiscal sanity to our government. We’re going to keep fighting for these policies to get our nation back on track and we’ll keep working to hold the Biden administration accountable.

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand:  “Tonight was a reminder of the power and importance of democracy — at home and abroad. President Biden has made clear his commitment to promoting the truth, defending our values, and giving every person in this country the chance to succeed.

“His address reminded us of the unlimited potential the American people have to build a better future, no matter the challenges we face. I look forward to working with the president to continue to rebuild our economy and to deliver on his vision to make and manufacture more goods in America; to make those jobs well-paying, family-supporting jobs; and to offer every worker the paid leave they need to truly support their families. Together, we will make sure that the future is bright and that it is made in America.”