RBM ousted from league hockey playoffs

Contributed Story Posted 18 February 2024 at 10:49 am

The Roy-Hart/Barker/Medina Club Hockey team traveled to Cattaraugus Friday evening for the second of a best of three series against ELPS. It was a must-win game as RBM already trailed in the series.

However, ELPS claimed an 8-3 win to eliminate RBM from the playoffs.

The locals fell behind 4-0 after one period, but recovered somewhat in the second period on goals by Joel Harris (Barker) from Lawson Wallworth (Roy-Hart) and Luc Wagner (Medina).

ELPS  added four more goals to ice the win, although Jackson Hauser (Barker) added RBM’s final score.

RBM has qualified for the State Club tournament to be held in Jamestown on the weekend of March 1-3.