RBM drops hockey playoff opener

Contributed Story Posted 14 February 2024 at 9:52 am

The Roy-Hart/Barker/Medina Club Hockey team hosted ELPS on Sunday evening in the initial game of the best of three series and lost 5-2.

In a game which saw nineteen penalties called, the first ten minutes began with ELPS opening the scoring, but RBM coming right back to tie on a goal by Joel Harris (Barker) on a pass from John Peracciny (Roy-Hart).

By then end of the first, however, ELPS had taken a 3-1 lead.

In the next period, ELPS scored two more goals, both powerplays.

Entering the final period behind 5-1, Peracciny scored assisted by Harris.

The second game of the series will be Friday evening at Cattaraugus Arena at 7 p.m. In the event that RBM wins and ties the series, a third, 10 minute game will follow immediately to determine who advances to the championship game at the Key Bank Arena.