Prohibition didn’t work with alcohol, marijuana

Posted 31 March 2021 at 9:02 am


Medina Police Chief Chad Kenward is quoted in the Orleans Hub on March 30, 2021 saying, “marijuana can have lethal fentanyl mixed in” and “people will still buy it on the street.”

I’d like to ask the Police Chief what good came from alcohol prohibition, job security?

“The drug war has never done anything good. It cost a lot of money, it was an excuse to violate the civil liberties of a lot of Americans, and it challenges the notion that people get to make their private choices. Even when there’s risk involved, government is not meant to protect us from ourselves, government is meant to protect our liberties. When people have the right to make their own decisions, they should be responsible for all the actions they take. The drug war is a typical example of how the government is intending to make people better and once they do that they are getting into the business of removing personal liberty.” – Ron Paul

Prohibition doesn’t work.

Greg McCarthy
