Pro-business group gives 2 local Assembly members perfect scores

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 19 August 2014 at 12:00 am

Hawley, Corwin rate above Maziarz in report

ALBANY – An organization that says it is “pro-taxpayer” and “pro-business” has given two local State Assembly members perfect scores for their positions in the 2013-14 legislative session.

Steve Hawley of Batavia and Jane Corwin both received 100 out of 100 from Unshackle Upstate. The organization rated legislators on their legislative and budget votes as well as sponsorships of targeted bills during the 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions. (Click here to see the scorecard.)

State Sen. George Maziarz received a score of 83. He lost points from Unshackle for co-sponsoring S.3995-B Mail Order Pharmacy Limitation and S.3863 Healthy Workplaces. Unshackle said the legislation would slow or repress the growth of the state economy.

Maziarz, R-Newfane, also lost points for supporting S.3564 Job Order Contracting.

“Recent polling has shown that taxes and job creation are key issues for people across the state,” said Brian Sampson, executive director of Unshackle Upstate. “Our 2013-2014 legislative scorecards accurately reflect which legislators have advanced measures that help taxpayers and job creators. As we head into the election season, we encourage voters – especially in Upstate communities – to look at how their legislators performed over the past two years before they cast their vote.”

Maziarz is not seeking re-election. Unshackle said he supported 14 of the 17 legislative actions favored by the organization.

Unshackle highlighted legislation for brownfields redevelopment, healthcare cost containment, energy costs, asbestos remediation tax credit, liquefied natural gas, rural broadband and the state budget.

Hawley represents a district that includes all of Genesee County, most of Orleans and part of western Monroe. Corwin represents the town of Shelby in Orleans and portions of Niagara and Erie counties.

Unshackle will endorse candidates this election, but the organization said a minimum score of 85 is needed for its support.

“There’s no doubt that this year’s elections will have a significant impact on the state’s ability to continue its economic progress,” Sampson said. “In order to keep our economy moving in the right direction, it’s critical to gauge a candidate’s commitment to reducing taxes and improving the business climate. Any candidate that receives our endorsement will be held to a very high standard. Taxpayers and employers deserve nothing less.”