President targets people for telling the truth

Posted 10 February 2020 at 5:50 pm


As have so many others, Ambassador Gordon Sondland (once an avid supporter of our President) as well as Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman have learned that there is no room for truthfulness in “Trumpland.”

Congratulations to Senator Mitt Romney for examining his conscience and finding it intact.  Fellow Mormon, former Senator Jeff Flake, found it so disquieting to be around spineless people such as Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio that he decided not to run for the United States Senate again.

Is it possible that inheriting a vast estate, combined with not paying millions to contractors for work they completed on your casinos, and then hiring fellow con artists to help you avoid paying millions in federal and state taxes could make anyone wealthy?

We had all better pray that we come up with someone of real quality who is more committed to republican government than the current occupant of the White House in time for the 2020 presidential election.

Sincerely yours,

Gary F. Kent
