President didn’t break laws and rightly was acquitted in impeachment trial

Posted 14 February 2020 at 3:45 pm


To those who hate President Trump, there is a difference between illegality and immorality.

Illegality is defined by codified, man-made law and it is based on fact. Immorality is defined by a belief system and it is based on faith. Laws are created by government and are enforced and punished by government. Morals are created and enforced by individuals and are punishable only by a power that is much greater than man or government.

The U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits government from regulating or punishing faith, belief or morality. The articles of impeachment passed by the House did not allege violation of codified law. In the absence of a violation of codified law, any perceived “wrong” that may have occurred was perhaps a sin, but not a crime.

Since no crimes were alleged in the articles of impeachment, the articles were unconstitutional. The Senate acted correctly by acquitting the President. The Constitution specifically prohibits our government from regulating or punishing faith, belief or morality. It is called the First Amendment.

The government only has authority over crimes, not sins. Neither the government, Democrats nor Romney have authority to judge or punish sin.

In America, under the rule of law, guilt can never ever be presumed. Guilt has to be proven based on facts showing violation of a law. Since no one can ever know the true intent of another, intent is virtually impossible to prove as a matter of fact. This is precisely why intent is seldom, if ever, proven in a court of law. It is also why in America all men are presumed innocent until proven guilty in accordance with the rule of law. Impeachment doesn’t change these facts.

Although the government is prohibited from judging morality, the constitutionally guaranteed right to vote allows individual citizens to do so. If citizens believe a candidate is immoral, then citizens have the right not to vote for that candidate. Other than voicing their opposition to immorality via the right to vote, citizens have no authority to punish anyone for violation of faith, belief or morality.

When it comes to violations of morality, a very wise man once said, “Judge not lest you be judged.” That’s still good advice today.

Em Seefeldt
