Presbyterians in Medina welcome pastor

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 1 November 2018 at 8:02 am

Photos courtesy of Trudi Schwert: The Rev. Susan Collins Thaine, pastor of Albion Presbyterian Church and moderator of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley, performs the baptism and service of installation of the Rev. William H. Wilkinson in the First Presbyterian Church of Medina.

MEDINA – The Rev. Dr. William H. Wilkinson has been installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Medina in a special service at which a dozen members of various faiths participated.

The Rev. Wilkinson, who served as temporary pastor for a year at the Medina church, explained how participants for the service were chosen.

The Presbytery is made up of six neighborhoods and a representative from each of these areas was invited, in addition to one from each branch of Christianity.

“God is the God of all Christians and Christian religions,” the Rev. Wilkinson said during the service on Oct. 21. “We believe the heart of our ministry here is to be welcoming to all, and this ceremony was designed to reflect that.”

Margaret Martin, clerk of session of the First Presbyterian Church of Medina, leads a processional of dignitaries into the sanctuary for a special service installing the Rev. William H. Wilkinson as pastor of the church.

Margaret Martin, clerk of session of the Medina Presbyterian Church, led the processional into the church, which included the Rev. J.D. Jackson of Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, who gave the opening prayer; the Rev. Carrie Mitchell of Pittsford Presbyterian Church, who gave the Call to Confession; Kay VanNostrand, ruling elder of the Lyndonville Presbyterian Church, who gave the Assurance of Pardon; Jan McCloy, ruling elder and commissioner from Medina First Presbyterian Church, who led Passing of the Peace; Wilma Campbell from Rochester Friends Meeting (Quaker), who gave the Call to Stewardship;

The Rev. Michelle Sumption, pastor of York United Presbyterian Church, who offered the Prayer of Illumination and gave the Invitation to the Offering; the Rev. Marilyn Cunningham, pastor of Graves Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal, and the Rev. Marcia Reiff, Dansville Presbyterian Church, who each gave Scripture readings; the Rev. Nicholas Dorland, Brockport Presbyterian Church, who preached the Sermon “Living Stones”; the Rev. Susan Collins Thaine, pastor of Albion Presbyterian Church and moderator of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley, who presided at the Service of Installation; the Rev. Deborah Fae Swift, pastor of South Presbyterian Church; who offered the Prayer of Installation; and the Rev. Ho Dong Hwang of Mendon Presbyterian Church, who presented the charge to the newly installed pastor and to the congregation.

Sherrie Wilkinson sings a special solo during the installation service for her husband, the Rev. William H. Wilkinson, at the First Presbyterian Church of Medina.

Sherrie Lee Wilkinson, wife of the Rev. Wilkinson, was soloist for the service, performing several of her husband’s favorite hymns.

At the conclusion of the service, Martin presented the Rev. Wilkinson with a new stole from the congregation.

A reception followed in the Fellowship Hall.

From left, Peg Pierce, Donna Johnson and Nelda Callard serve cake during a reception honoring the Rev. William H. Wilkinson after his service of installation at the First Presbyterian Church of Medina.

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