Poster contest seeks to raise awareness of human trafficking
Press Release, Orleans County DSS
ALBION – The Orleans County Department of Social Services’ Safe Harbour Program is holding a poster contest for students in grades 7-12 to raise awareness on the issue of human trafficking. The theme is “Spot the Signs – Stop the Traffick.”
Posters should be at least 8.5 by 11 inches and should include red flags, vulnerabilities, warning signs and myths about sex trafficking. Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 15 and should be brought to the Orleans County Administration Building located at 14016 Rt 31 in Albion.
The first prize winner will receive a Play Station 5; second prize is a Nintendo Switch Lite; and third prize is an ONN Tablet.
The Safe Harbour program is designed to be a safe place for young people between 12-18 years of age. In addition to providing education and awareness, Safe Harbour provides lessons in life skills to promote a strong foundation to help children launch into their future.
For more information on the poster contest or the Safe Harbour program, please contact Heather Jackson at 585-589-2837 or email