Pogue is apparent winner for Barre town supervisor
BARRE – Sean Pogue has the lead to continue as town supervisor in Barre, according to unofficial results announced at the Barre Town Hall.
Pogue received 322 votes today, compared to 258 for Gerald Solazzo, who ran under the independent Citizens for Change.
Pogue in his campaign said there is more to the town government that the wind turbine issue. He said that project could bring significant financial benefits to the town, wiping out town taxes and allowing Barre to invest in its highway garage, firehall and town park.
Solazzo and two other Citizens for Change are critical of the project, and the town’s communication with residents about meetings and information with Heritage Wind.
The results announced tonight don’t include early voting, absentees or affidavit ballots.
There were five candidates on the ballot for two other Town Board seats. Richard Bennett and Larry Gaylard both didn’t seek re-election.
Kerri Richardson has the most votes tonight with 282 followed by 272 for Margaret Swan. Richardson is the president of Clear Skies Above Barre, a citizens group that has pushed for bigger setbacks, smaller turbines and more studies on the health and environmental impacts of the turbines. Richardson ran under the Citizens for Change and also was backed by the Conservative Party.
Swan was endorsed by the Republican Party.
Cindy Burnside, another Citizens for Change candidate, also is close with 256 votes for a Town Board seat.
LuAnn Tierney, a Democrat, received 202 votes. She ran as a team with Pogue and Swan.
Bradlee Driesel, a Republican, was on the ballot but withdrew from the race. He still received 101 votes.
Other candidates were unopposed in Barre including Town Clerk Maureen Beach, 327 votes; Town Justice Rick Root, 317 votes; and Highway Superintendent Dale Brooks, 403 votes.
In the race for Orleans County Sheriff, Chris Bourke received 417 votes in Barre today, while there were 92 write-ins.
Brett Sobieraski, who lost a close Republican Primary to Bourke in June, has been promoted by many of his supporters for a write-in campaign. The election officials at Barre didn’t have the names for the write-ins tonight.
Orleans Hub will have more election coverage later.