Pick candidates based on competence, qualifications rather than promise to ‘shake things up’

Posted 26 February 2018 at 5:53 pm


This is in response to another letter from a frequent contributor to your forum.  The Village of Albion has a budget that exceeds 6.5 million dollars.  “Shake things up” doesn’t seem to be something voters should be doing when the thing shaken up is their hard earned money, government is serious business.

The writer has a long record of supporting anyone who is not a Republican.  Full disclosure I am a Republican Town Chairman and an employee of the Village.  I know that my Town Committee and our County Committee spend the time to learn about our candidates, their positions, and objectives prior to endorsing them.  I’m not sure that is always the case with others.

I personally know that my party has not sought to beat any particular candidate because of their party affiliation, but has always been focused on putting forth the best candidates.

I don’t know any of the challengers for Village Board well. I do know that every year we seek out people for the Planning, Zoning, and Historic Boards and I have not seen their names among the applicants. I do know that I attend most Village Board meetings and review the minutes from all of them and that before announcing their candidacies I only ever saw one of them in attendance once.

There are two Democrats on the Board I don’t think they should be replaced to “shake things up”. I’ve never seen a Village Board decision that was based on party politics. It takes nearly two years for someone to get to the point where they can really be a competent Board member.

Maybe instead of partisan bickering we at the local level could select our candidates based on their qualifications, ability, and competence rather than to “shake things up”. I’m suggesting that thoughtful consideration of the candidates and a civil discourse is what’s needed.

Ron Vendetti


(Editor’s Note: Mr. Vendetti is the code enforcement officer for the Village of Albion.)