Refill with Randy: After busy summer, fall brings chance to reset and refocus
Posted 8 September 2024 at 2:57 pm

By Randy LeBaron

Randy LeBaron

Good afternoon! Grab your favorite cup. Fill it up. And let’s start this week right… TOGETHER!!!

Hello friends! It has been a while, as was brought up by the many new people I had a chance to meet around Orleans County this summer who asked me when Refill was starting up again. It’s good to be back and I hope that you have all been doing well these past couple of months.

I don’t know about you but both July and August seemed to be very full yet, at the same time, they seemed to fly by. I performed a few weddings, baptized a few new believers, and officiated a few too many funerals. I spoke for a week at a family camp down in Kane, PA but then missed the trip to Kentucky to see my daughter and son-in-law as I stayed home sick with Covid.

I did get to go with my family to Florida again for a week but unlike last year, when we swam with Dolphins on purpose, this time my daughter Maddie and I inadvertently swam over a 6’ shark while snorkeling. Add in church, hospice, and Go Scatter Ministries events and it was a full couple of months.

And now September is here and with it many changes. The leaves will soon begin to pop with color, the kids and teachers have started back to school, football is back in full force (Go Bills!), and for me it means restarting both Refill with Randy as well as the Community Grief Support Group which will meet this coming Tuesday, September 10th, at 4 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Albion. All of which I am glad for.

Unfortunately, as I am sure many of you have heard by now, there was also a big change that happened at Hospice of Orleans as the Martin-Linsen Residence has paused receiving new patients until a broader base of Home Care Patients can be established to help support and sustain running it.

This was certainly sad news for potential patients who will not have this option. Personally, back in 2012 when my own mother was receiving home hospice and had gotten to the point of needing more care the MLR was still under construction so I know what it is like to want to have that need met in your own backyard but have to find it elsewhere.

It was also very sad to find out that the fantastic staff who made staying at the MLR so great had been laid off as a result. I am thankful to have worked alongside these men and women whose caring was not just a job but a calling. Beyond the physical and mental demands it takes to care for patients Hospice is also often draining emotionally as we have to say goodbye again and again to those who we have connected with so quickly.

It truly is sad news but… let me also share some good news. First and foremost the MLR is not closed, rather, the operations have paused. My hope and prayer is that as a community we can work together to build up enough referrals and funds to open it back up and never have to turn off the lights again.

Also, another piece of good news is that hospice care itself is not paused. We have a great team of nurses, aides, and social workers who I am blessed to work with who will provide you the best quality of care right in your home. I know that our board is also hoping to connect with nursing homes and hospitals to be able to offer care in those establishments as well.

I know that I am not the official spokesperson for Hospice. But as someone who has had loved ones receive care through Hospice of Orleans, who is a part of this community, and who has served as the Spiritual Care Counselor for the better part of 3 years, I am invested in helping in any way that I can to see Hospice succeed which includes reopening the doors of the MLR. I know that there are many others, including some of the former staff at the MLR, who have made known that they are committed to the same.

And if you would like to show support for Hospice or simply to honor a loved one I would encourage you to RSVP for our upcoming Memory Walk at It will take place Sunday, September 29th, at 1:30 p.m. at Holley Falls. We will gather beforehand at the Pond Pavilion for a short service and an activity. And don’t worry, the Bills don’t play until 8:20 p.m. I checked.

See you in 2 weeks!

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Holley celebrates completion of agricultural mural on library
By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 8 September 2024 at 8:22 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

HOLLEY – Sandra Shaw, director of the Community Free Library in Holley, congratulates Arthur Barnes on Saturday for completing the second phase of a mural on the back of the library. Barnes painted the farming and country scene on the right side.

Tony Barry did the left side with an Erie Canal theme last year.

The library used a grant from the Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council to pay Barnes for the project. The library will pursue more grants to extend the mural in what could be four phases in all.

Shaw said the agriculture mural highlights an important component of the local community of Holley, Murray and Clarendon.

“This is who we are, and we wanted to celebrate farming, agriculture and the industries that grew out of it,” Shaw said. “We are exploring our agricultural past and the people who built the wonderful farms in our community.”

Arthur Barnes is shown next to the apples he painted as part of the mural. He created the depiction from memory, recalling a country scene growing up in Shelby Center. Barnes said he picked apples as a teen for a neighbor, Jeff Smith.

Barnes painted a mural that is 25 feet high and 21 feet wide. Barnes worked on the project over the summer, painting trees, a church, wheat fields and an apple orchard.

Arthur Barnes is shown with the two murals together. His mural blends in with artwork painted on the back of the library last year by Tony Barry.

Barry painted a portrait of Holley’s namesake, Myron Holley, and a Erie Canal scene. Myron Holley was an early commissioner for the canal.

Barry shared some of his leftover paint and a color scheme for the overall project.

“I owe a lot to Tony Barry,” Barnes said. “It was his idea.”

Shaw said Barnes did a great job with the mural, and was very welcoming to the public when they stopped by to see the progress.

“I met some old friends and I made some new ones,” Barnes said about working outside on the mural. “It was more fun than I thought it would be.”

This is the sixth large-scale mural Barnes has done in Orleans County. The other five are canal scenes, including his first one in Holley from about 30 years ago. That one is on display in the Murray-Holley Historical Society Museum.

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Barker home a total loss after late-night fire; 1 resident treated for minor injuries
Staff Reports Posted 7 September 2024 at 1:07 pm

BARKER – A Barker home has been declared a total loss after a late-night fire, the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office reported.

The homeowner at 8713 Main St. called 9-1-1 at 3:25 a.m. today, reporting the house was filling with smoke.

Upon arrival, deputies located an active fire inside of the home and reported that the two occupants at home had already evacuated. Responding personnel from numerous fire companies arrived on scene and extinguished the fire.

One of the occupants, an 18-year-old female, was transported to Medina Memorial Hospital for evaluation and treatment of minor injuries. The home is considered a total loss, but the total damage amount is not yet available, the Sheriff’s Office reported.

The residents of the house have been connected with the American Red Cross for emergency assistance. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Niagara County Origin and Cause Team.

Responding departments included Barker, Olcott, City of Lockport, Gasport and Hartland.

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75-year member of Masons, a retired chiropractor from Medina, honored by service organization

Photos by Ginny Kropf: (Left) Towpath Masonic Lodge master Matthew Fleminger ties the apron on John Long, signifying his 75 years as a member of the Craft. Long and two 10-year members were honored at a special awards ceremony Wednesday night in Middleport. (Right) Matthew Flammger holds the apron being presented to John Long Wednesday night for 75 years of membership. Next is Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District; Long, a retired chiropractor from Medina; and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 7 September 2024 at 8:03 am

MIDDLEPORT – Members of the Towpath Masonic Lodge #1193 had the rare honor of recognizing a 75-year member in a special awards ceremony Wednesday night.

John Long of Tonawanda, a retired chiropractor who practiced in Medina in the 1940s, became interested in Masonry when he came to Medina to open an office and met Alvin Eskelson. Eskelson owned a dairy in Medina and was dedicated to Masonry, having been a past master of the Medina Lodge #336.

Scott Mason, secretary of Towpath Masonic Lodge, presents a rose to Marina Long, wife of 75-year member John Long, during an awards ceremony Wednesday evening.

Eskelson owned the building which housed Curry’s Dress Shop and Long’s office was on the second floor.

The Towpath Lodge was formed from the merger of Middleport’s Cataract Lodge #295, Medina Lodge and Lyndonville’s Yates Lodge 675. The only other 75-year member was the late Don Ross of Albion, who was a member of the Medina Lodge. The late Herb Koenig was a long-standing member of the Middleport lodge, having been a member for 65 years.

Other members of long standing are Frank Berger of Medina, who will be a 64-year member this year; and Robert Donovan of Medina, a 53-year-member who is a five-time past master.

The awards ceremony including reading a letter from Richard P. Schultz Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, in which he stated Long’s 75 years as a Masonic member were a milestone in the fraternity,

While Flammger presented Long with the ceremonial apron, Long’s wife Marina pinned the 75-year pin on his lapel.

“This is one of the most momentous times in my entire life,” Long said. “I was raised in the Lodge in Medina on June 8, 1948. I remember Alvin Eskelson like it was yesterday. Masonry has been the foundation of my life. I encourage all of you to never give up and never surrender what we stand for.”

Ten-year awards were presented to Raymond Feller of Lyndonville and Thomas Weeks of Medina.

Masons also promote respect for the women in their lives and Wednesday’s program included a tribute to wives and mothers by Ben Logsdon, after which Scott Mason presented the women in the room with a rose.

Flammger concluded the evening by saying that presenting awards like this is the highlight of being master of this lodge.

“I thank you for the privilege of serving as master of Towpath Lodge,” he said.

John Long’s wife Marina affixes a 75-year pin on his lapel during an awards ceremony Wednesday night at Towpath Lodge, which is comprised of members from Lyndonville, Medina and Middleport. Looking on are Towpath master Matthew Flammger, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District Jim Horncastle, and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

Special guests for the evening included Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District, and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

Stein said interest in Masonry is on the rise, with 1,800 men inquiring about membership last year.

Horncastle extended congratulations to everyone who received an award during the evening.

“A 75-year membership doesn’t come along every day, and it is a pleasure to be here,” he said.

The evening included a meal prepared by Barb Anderson, wife of lodge treasurer Jim Anderson.

John Long, now a resident of Tonawanda, and his wife Marina chat with Frank Berger of Medina during the awards ceremony Wednesday night in which Long was honored for 75 years as a member of the Masonic Lodge.

Raymond Feller of Lyndonville was presented with a plaque for 10 years of Masonic membership by Matthew Flammger, master of Towpath Masonic Lodge. With them are Jim Horncastle, left, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District and Past Deputy Grand Master, Peter Stein, right.

Shown here are Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District; Thomas Weeks, holding his 10-year membership plaque; Matthew Flammger, master of Towpath Lodge; and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

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Albion Presbyterians celebrating 200th anniversary of congregation

Photos by Tom Rivers: The Rev. Sue Thaine, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Albion, stands outside the church at the corner of Main and East State streets. The church will be celebrating its bicentennial with events this weekend.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 September 2024 at 5:38 pm

ALBION – The First Presbyterian Church of Albion is celebrating its first 200 years this weekend, with excitement about the future.

The congregation was formed by 16 people in 1824. Initially the church met in homes. Those 16 people were part of the Congregational Church in Barre and withdrew to start the new church in Albion.

The Presbyterians built a church on Main Street in 1830, a building they quickly outgrew. Christ Episcopal Church has used that structure for more than 150 years.

The Presbyterians built a brick church on East State, and then an even bigger building made of Medina Sandstone that opened in 1874. That church, with a 175-foot-high spire, is the tallest building in Orleans County.

The Rev. Sue Thaine sits inside the sanctuary of the historic church. Thaine, an Albion native, has served as pastor since 2018 in her hometown.

The congregation will celebrate its history, and a commitment to ministry in the community during this weekend’s events.

“This church started with 16 people, and those 16 people formed a church that is still here today,” said the Rev. Susan Thaine, the church’s pastor since 2018.

The 200 years of the First Presbyterian Church are a year older than the formation of Orleans County and the completion of the original Erie Canal – both from 1825, Thaine noted.

Those 200 years are a long time, but she notes many of the churches and buildings in Europe are far older.

“We’re babies compared to Europe,” she said. “We’re celebrating our first 200 years with a focus on the next 200 years.”

If the weather cooperates on Saturday, there will be a dinner for 100 on a closed-off section of East State Street. 39 Problems, a Main Street restaurant, will cater the meal. After the dinner, there will be two hours of music from the Batavia Swing Band, with dancing in the street.

If it’s too rainy, the meal and music will be inside. The dancing is open to the community.

On Sunday at 11 a.m. there will be a celebration worship service with an ice cream social and basket raffle to follow. Thaine said at least five people will be welcomed as new members into the church on Sunday.

Thaine is the ninth-longest tenured pastor in the church’s history. One of the church’s longest-serving pastors, the Rev. Gary Saunders, will attend Sunday’s service with his wife, Mary Jane, who also was a pastor at the church. Mr. Saunders served as pastor in Albion for 24 years while his wife was a pastor for nine years. Mrs. Saunders also led a church in Bergen while in Albion.

Thaine said she is grateful for the chance to serve in ministry in her hometown. Prior to Albion, she led a Presbyterian Church in Penfield for seven years.

She and First Presbyterian are active members of the Albion Ministerium, including an advent lunch, service of remembrance and Hope/Blue Christmas, baccalaureate service for high school seniors, Lenten lunches and Holy Week worship services.

The church also runs English as Second Language classes in the spring through fall for local farmworkers, and offers an after-school “play and pray” program for students in pre-k through junior high. Earlier this year, First Presbyterian leased space to the Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern.

The church also runs “Ben’s Backpacks” which provide school supplies and educational support for a school in Oaxca, Mexico.

Thaine also is pleased to see a growing church choir, and other faith development and outreach programs.

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Orleans County and Brockport hosting 9-11 memorial services

Photos by Tom Rivers: Firefighters lined up for the Sept. 11, 2001 memorial observance last year at the Courthouse Square.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 September 2024 at 3:53 pm

ALBION/BROCKPORT – Albion and Brockport will both be hosting 9-11 memorial services on Wednesday

On September 11, 2001, terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others when four airplanes were hijacked and crashed – with two into the World Trade Center towers in new York City, one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the other into a field in rural Shanksville, Pa.

In New York City, 343 firefighters were killed responding to assist people in the World Trade Center. There were 60 police officers killed in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001.

A 23rd annual memorial service will be in Albion at 6 p.m. on the courthouse lawn near the Sept. 11 memorial. The service is expected to last about a half hour and will include many local firefighters and law enforcement personnel.

Scott Schmidt will again serve as the keynote speaker at the observance. Schmidt spent three weeks with a federal team – U.S. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) – and assisted in collecting and identifying remains, and interviewing family members searching for loved ones. He left for New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. He was there for 20 days, including a week at Ground Zero.

The Brockport Firefighters’ Memorial Monument is shown on Wednesday evening at 237 South Main St.

The location will be the setting for a day of reflection and remembrance on Sept. 11, the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

The schedule in Brockport incudes an opening ceremony at 8:30 a.m., ringing of the bell at 8:47 a.m., a “Ring of Gold” observance at 6 p.m. and a closing ceremony at 6:30 p.m.

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Lake Ontario receives designation as state’s first Marine Sanctuary
Posted 6 September 2024 at 1:14 pm

New ‘Underwater Park’ at eastern end of lake protects over 1,700 square miles of Great Lakes maritime history

Courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: This map of eastern Lake Ontario shows Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary’s boundaries, which encompasses 1,722 square miles.

Press Release, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Office

OSWEGO – Governor Kathy Hochul today celebrated the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) historic designation of the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary. The Lake Ontario Sanctuary will become only the 16th site in the National Marine Sanctuary System and the first to be designated off New York State’s coast.

“This Sanctuary places our upstate communities on a national stage, recognizing the region’s unique and significant maritime resources, its indelible mark in Indigenous and American history, and its world-class recreational opportunities,” Governor Hochul said. “This landmark achievement underscores our commitment to preserving Lake Ontario’s rich maritime heritage while fostering opportunities for research, recreation, and sustainable use. As we protect over 1,700 square miles and numerous historical sites, we also ensure that our Great Lakes communities continue to thrive and connect with their vibrant past, present, and future.”

NOAA Administrator Richard Spinrad, Ph.D said, “Lake Ontario is an important gateway between the Great Lakes and the ocean. From commerce to biodiversity to recreation, the maritime landscape of this area represents past, present and future connections and will have incredible benefits for the communities that passionately sought its creation.”

Often referred to as underwater parks, the National Marine Sanctuary System includes areas with natural or cultural resources that are important to the nation’s history and the marine environment. The new Lake Ontario Sanctuary will enhance the existing state and federal protections for cultural and historic sites without limiting uses like fishing, boating and shipping. The Sanctuary designation also brings new opportunities for research, recreation, educational programming and community engagement.

Marine sanctuaries are important to the public in many ways, including:

  • Protecting natural and cultural features: Sanctuaries protect the scenic beauty, biodiversity and historical connections of the ocean and Great Lakes. They provide a safe habitat for species that are close to extinction and protect shipwrecks and artifacts.
  • Supporting sustainable use: Sanctuaries allow people to enjoy the ocean and Great Lakes in a sustainable way. They are popular recreational spots for diving and sport fishing, and support commercial industries like tourism, kelp harvesting and fishing. They also support coastal communities by helping drive local economies and providing jobs.
  • Providing educational opportunities: Sanctuaries are natural classrooms and laboratories for researchers, teachers and students. They can help people understand and care for the ocean and Great Lakes.
  • Conserving maritime heritage: Sanctuary staff use education, archaeology, marine science and regulations to preserve maritime heritage.

The Lake Ontario Sanctuary will cover over 1,700 square miles of state waters in eastern Lake Ontario and protect approximately 43 known shipwrecks and one submerged aircraft, spanning centuries of history. This new Sanctuary is another indication of the ongoing transformation of New York’s Great Lakes communities.

The robust public process to designate Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary began on January 17, 2017, when leaders of four New York counties (Oswego, Jefferson, Cayuga, and Wayne) and the city of Oswego, with support from the governor of New York, submitted a nomination to NOAA through the sanctuary nomination process. NOAA published a notice of intent to initiate the designation process on April 19, 2019 and established a Sanctuary Advisory Council in 2020 to help inform the designation process and focus stakeholder participation, where DOS and Parks represented NYS as ex officio members.

NOAA published a draft environmental impact statement and draft management plan on July 7, 2021, and a notice of proposed rulemaking on January 19, 2023. The final environmental impact statement was published on April 19, 2024. Today on September 6, 2024, New York Secretary of State Walter T. Mosley and Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation Commissioner Pro Tem Randy Simons signed a Memorandum of Agreement with NOAA to serve as co-managers of the newly designated Sanctuary to protect, study and celebrate these important heritage resources.

New York State Secretary of State Walter Mosley said, “This designation marks an historic achievement for New York State as we recognize eastern Lake Ontario as a world-class center of our nation’s maritime history, heritage and culture. This Sanctuary is something to be proud of – it has personality and is as unique as the special place it is designed to protect. The Department of State looks forward to co-managing the Sanctuary with NOAA, and in partnership with First Nations and our dedicated community leaders and coastal communities.”

 As co-manager, New York State is poised to leverage the Department of State’s coastal planning and economic development programs, including the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, Coastal Lakeshore Economy and Resiliency (CLEAR) Initiative, Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward, to strengthen Lake Ontario waterfront communities and further protect and promote the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is seen as another opportunity to spur investment focusing on the region’s strong coastal and maritime cultural heritage.

For more information on the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary, visit and the Great Lake, Great Secrets storymap.

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Crews will work on Albion lift bridge at night next week

Photo by Tom Rivers: The north side of Albion Main Street lift bridge is shown this morning. The bridge has been closed to traffic since Nov. 14, 2022.

Posted 6 September 2024 at 12:08 pm

Press Release, Village of Albion

 ALBION – Village of Albion officials were informed on Thursday that a double-shift crew will be in operations on the Main Street lift bridge next week. Nighttime work is scheduled to begin on Monday and go from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

The anticipated completion date of the night-time work is next Friday, but it may be done sooner.

Light plants will be used to illuminate the work area on the north side of the bridge. This double-shift operation is for the setting of the lifting post. A crane will also be employed in these operations.

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Tenney releases plans to secure border and support law enforcement
Posted 6 September 2024 at 9:03 am

Press Release, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney

OSWEGO – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) on Thursday released her comprehensive Border Security and Law Enforcement plans, reinforcing her commitment to securing the borders, upholding the rule of law, and supporting law enforcement officers.

Tenney’s Border Security Plan was shaped by her recent visits to both the Southern and Northern borders, where she met with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to discuss effective measures to secure our borders and protect our communities. In response to the increasing violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants, Tenney cosponsored the Laken Riley Act, which ensures that illegal aliens charged with crimes remain in custody until their cases are adjudicated.

Her Law Enforcement Plan underscores her steadfast support for police officers, focusing on providing them with the resources and tools they need to safely and effectively carry out their duties. Recently, Tenney cosponsored H.Res. 285, a resolution to establish a Law Enforcement Bill of Rights. This resolution asserts that police officers have the right to defend themselves, to due process, and to protection under the Fifth Amendment.

“Since the start of the Biden-Harris administration, over 10 million illegal immigrants have entered our country, abusing our taxpayer-funded resources and wreaking havoc in our communities,” Tenney said. “Our law enforcement officers are also facing unprecedented challenges as violent crime surges and the Left seeks to undermine their ability to do their jobs safely and effectively. My plans offer a commonsense approach to securing our borders, stopping the influx of illegal immigrants, and supporting the brave men and women in law enforcement. I am committed to holding criminals accountable and ensuring our nation’s laws are upheld.”

To see Tenney’s full Border Security Plan, click here.

To see Tenney’s full Law Enforcement Plan, click here.

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OCH subacute rehab now listed with MVP Healthcare network
By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 6 September 2024 at 8:44 am

MEDINA – Orleans Community Health/Medina Memorial Hospital has announced that its subacute rehab program is now officially listed within the MVP Healthcare network.

Subacute rehab/TCU offers a special caring environment for patients who no longer require all the resources of an acute care hospital, but who are still in need of special care before going home.

This agreement with MVP represents a significant advancement in efforts to provide comprehensive and accessible healthcare services in the community, hospital officials said.

“The MVP Healthcare news is great for the community, as it opens the door for more individuals looking for subacute rehab care to receive it close to home,” said Scott Robinson, director of Marketing, Communications and Outreach at OCH.

“Our Transitional Care Unit (TCU) offers specialized subacute rehabilitation services designed for patients who need different therapies and medical oversight following a hospital stay,” said Amanda Luckman, Admissions/Marketing Assistant for OCH. “It is geared towards individuals requiring additional support to regain their quality of life after a major illness or surgery.”

The inclusion of TCU in the MVP Healthcare network marks the culmination of a dedicated effort by OCH. This acceptance is particularly significant as MVP Healthcare is a major carrier serving many in the Medina area. This inclusion is another step being taken by the hospital to best serve the community.

“We are thrilled to expand our services within the MVP Healthcare network,” said Marc Shurtz, CEO of Orleans Community Health. “This development ensures that more of our community members will have access to the care and recovery services they need, right here at home.”

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Elks give back old refreshment stand sign from when AFD had carnival
By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 September 2024 at 8:18 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION –  The Elks Lodge on Thursday evening gave the Albion Fire Department an old sign from back when the AFD held a carnival.

Pictured from left include former fire chief Harry Papponetti; AFD President Nathan Bloom; Carl Phillips, chairman of the trustees for the Elks; Lynda Standish, secretary for the Elks; Jim Peruzzini, assistant chief for AFD; Mike Jenks, exalted ruler for the Elks; Jen Stephenson, riders chaplain for the Elks; Richard Robb Sr., leading knight for the Elks; Al Cheverie, past AFD president and current chairman for the Albion-Gaines Joint Fire District; and Scott Papponetti, vice president of the AFD.

The fire department used to own the Elks Lodge at 428 West State St. It was sold to the Elks about 20 years ago.

The Elks were cleaning out a building it refers to as the “doghouse” in July behind the bathrooms when it found the old sign highlighting the refreshment stand for the Albion Emergency Squad. Hot dogs and hamburgers were 50 cents, and pop was 25 cents.

One mystery with the sign, who made it? The AFD and Elks wonder who “CN’s” represents.

The doghouse building had been storage for the Elks, but the lodge is going to use it as a garage to keep lawn mowers, weedwackers and other maintenance equipment.

Mike Jenks, the exalted ruler for the Elks, said the sign was facing backwards and for many years the Elks didn’t realize it was from when the AFD operated the carnival. The fire department ran that event until about 1990. The carnival used to be near the fire hall on Platt Street and moved to the West State Street in the early 1960s.

Harry Papponetti, a member of the AFD for 54 years, said the department not only sold hamburgers, hot dogs and pop, but also served French fries and Italian sausage. Many of the local fire departments used to have carnivals, but only Kendall still does it, although this year it was a field days because a company couldn’t be secured for the amusement rides.

The Albion Fire Department hung up the sign inside the fire hall after the Elks presented it on Thursday evening. The sign is near other memorabilia in the department, including photos of older fire trucks and parade banners from the former Dye Hose, Active and Hart companies.

The Active Hose Company No. 2, Hart Protective Hose Company No. 3 and Dye Hose Company No. 5 consolidated in 1976 into the Albion Fire Department.

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ABATE donates $500 each to central battalion fire departments
By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 5 September 2024 at 8:30 pm

Photo by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Chuck Persons, center, presented a $500 check to the Albion Fire Department this evening on behalf of the Orleans County chapter of ABATE (Americans Bikers Aimed Toward Education).

Accepting on behalf of the AFD includes Al Cheverie, left, the chairman of the newly formed Albion Joint Fire District and a past president of the AFD, and Nathan Bloom, current president of the Albion Fire Department.

ABATE also donated $500 to the Barre Volunteer Fire Company and the Carlton Volunteer Fire Company. Albion, Barre and Carlton represent the central battalion. Last year ABATE donated to the departments in the west battalion and next year plans to give to the east battalion.

“If God forbid something happens to one of us on our bikes, they’re the first ones there for us,” Persons said about the local firefighters.

The donations are the result of a fundraising ride and a basket raffle last month.

Photos courtesy of Becky Persons

Chuck Persons, left, presents a $500 check on Aug. 27 for the Carlton Volunteer Fire Company to long-time Carlton firefighter Andrew Niederhofer.

Chuck Persons presented the $500 to Barre firefighters on Aug. 20.

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