
Balloons in Shelby show height of 2 proposed turbines peaking at 633 feet

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 February 2024 at 6:15 pm

Photos by Tom Rivers

SHELBY – Two balloons went up in Shelby today in an orchard along Route 63 to show the height of two wind turbines proposed by Borrego Solar System Inc.

The turbines would be located on land owned by the Smith family, south of the village of Medina. The turbines would peak at 633 feet.

The balloons are shown high in the sky from the Tops parking lot looking south from Maple Ridge Road. John Parada, a resident of nearby Furness Parkway, was in the parking trying to take photos of the balloons. They were hard to see looking into the bright sun.

Parada said he is concerned the turbines will loom large from nearby properties, and could cause property values to plummet.

He was surprised when he pulled into the Tops parking lot and saw how big the turbines would stand.

“You go to Tops and you’ll be staring right at them,” Parada said.

This photo is on Route 63 in Shelby Basin, looking north. One of the balloons is clearly visible.

The two balloons were up from noon to 2 p.m. today, and needed approval from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Town Supervisor Scott Wengewicz said the town requested the two balloons go up to show the height of the turbines from different vantage points in the community.

Borrego hasn’t notified the town when the company plans to complete an environmental study, the State Environmental Quality Review Act. Borrego and Shelby held a hearing on that in September 2022, but it was tabled at 10 p.m. and hasn’t been continued.

Residents at that hearing said the two turbines would alter the landscape visually, and also potentially harm residents with shadow flicker, noise, lower property values and other impacts. They also worry the turbines are in a major migratory bird path.

The turbines as proposed would take up a half-acre and have the capacity to generate 8.4 megawatts of power.

Retired NFL kicker who lives in Orleans brings message to Job Corps students

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 3 February 2024 at 11:25 am

Photos by Loretta Clark: Mike Vanderjagt, a former kicker with the Indianapolis Colts, signed autographs Monday for students during his visit to the Iroquois Job Corps Center.

MEDINA – The Iroquois Job Corps Center hosted a very special guest on Monday, who brought an inspiring message to students, said Operations Manager John Thomas.

Mike Vanderjagt, a retired NFL kicker and a former first-team all-pro, toured the center and spoke with students and staff.

Vanderjagt has moved to the Lyndonville area, and has been mentoring young athletes, serving as the special teams coach for the Medina High School football team. He had attended a Medina Rotary meeting, where John Thomas met him and set up his visit to the Job Corps Center.

Vanderjagt’s message to students was about believing in themselves and to never give up on their dreams and goals in life. He shared the many challenges he had trying to get to the NFL, and was told he was not good enough. He said he believed in himself, and never gave up.

In 1998, he was signed by the Indianapolis Colts, and in 2003, he became the first kicker in the league’s history to go an entire season, including the playoffs, without missing a field goal or extra point.

Vanderjagt scored 1,067 points in a nine-year career during the regular season, including a league high 145 for the Colts in 1999. He scored 54 more points in nine playoff games.

He played for the Colts for eight seasons and then finished his career with the Dallas Cowboys in 2006. His streak of 42 consecutive field goals is the second longest in NFL history behind 44 by Adam Vinatieri.

Vanderjagt is among the nominees for the 2024 Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Mike Vanderjagt, center, record-breaking kicker in the National Football League, visited Iroquois Job Corps Center on Monday to talk to students. Here, he is presented with an appreciation award by center director Dennis Essom, left, and operations director John Thomas.

West Battalion has new fire coordinator following Hydock’s retirement

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 January 2024 at 9:51 am

Jason Watts, left, replaces David Hydock, right, who served 19 years as deputy fire coordinator for the Orleans County Emergency Management, representing the west battalion.

SHELBY – The five fire departments in the west battalion have a new fire coordinator following the retirement of Dave Hydock, who served 19 years in the part-time position.

Jason Watts, a past Shelby fire chief, is the new fire coordinator of the west end of the county, which includes the fire departments in East Shelby, Shelby, Medina, Ridgeway and Lyndonville.

The Orleans County Emergency Management Office announced the change on Tuesday. Hydock, a long-time leader of the Lyndonville Fire Department, was a reliable presence and strong advocate for the fire service, said Justin Niederhofer, the EMO director.

“He likes to be behind the scenes,” Niederhofer said. “He just wants to do his job.”

The fire coordinator assists the fire departments with activating and coordinating mutual aid at emergency scenes, and setting up training.

Watts was appointed to the position following the recommendation from the five fire chiefs from the west battalion. They were part of the interview with Watts. He was also interviewed by Niederhofer and Scott Buffin, the EMO deputy director. Watts works full-time as the Village of Medina’s superintendent of the Department of Public Works.

“Welcome aboard and the whole team at the EMO is looking forward to working with you, and the residents of Orleans County are lucky to have you as part of our team!” the Emergency Management Office posted in announcing Watts as the new fire coordinator.

Job Corps teacher for 38 years honored on her retirement

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 11 January 2024 at 10:36 am

Provided photo: Margie Eason, academics instructor at Iroquois Job Corps, is honored by Operations Director John Thomas of Medina, left, and Center Director Dennis Essom on the announcement of her retirement after 38 years.

MEDINA – Iroquois Job Corps recently held a celebration in honor of Academics Instructor Margie Eason, who has announced her retirement after 38 years.

In a letter to Eason, Center operator ETR’s president and CEO Brian Fox commended Eason on her years of service.

“On behalf of Education and Training Resources (ETR), I want to congratulate you on your retirement and thank you for your 38 years of service to both the Iroquois Job Corps Center and the Job Corps program,” Fox wrote. “It is impossible to quantify the number of students’ lives you have directly impacted over the years of your service and commitment to the Iroquois Center. But, I hope you know you have changed the lives and opportunities for generations to come.

“It is with much honor, respect and admiration that I congratulate you on your retirement and thank you for all you have done to support the students and staff of the Iroquois Job Corps Center.”

Eason said the letter was very heartfelt and she was very grateful and appreciative to receive it.

“The highlight of all my years here was the opportunity to have an impact on the lives and futures of so many students,” Eason said.

In retirement, she plans to continue to work hard for her church, and visit family in Michigan and Alabama.

“My real goal is to get my large, large garden planted on time to get John Thomas his collard greens that he loves so much,” Eason added.

Shelby Volunteer Fire Company celebrates 75 years of service

Photos by Ginny Kropf: A number of proclamations were made Saturday night honoring Shelby Volunteer Fire Company’s 75 years. Here Senator Rob Ortt reads his tribute to the fire company, while at left, legislator Bill Eick on behalf of the Orleans County Legislature and Assemblyman Steve Hawley wait their turn.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 7 January 2024 at 2:00 pm

Gary Watts honored for 50 years as active firefighter

MEDINA – Shelby Volunteer Fire Company celebrated two special occasions at their 55th annual installation banquet Saturday night.

While it was only the 55th banquet, it celebrated the fire company’s 75th anniversary and the 50-year membership of Gary Watts.

A highlight of Shelby Volunteer Fire Company’s annual installation banquet Saturday night was honoring Gary Watts for 50 years of membership. Here President Tim Petry, left, presents Watts with a plaque recognizing his years of service.

Watts’ father Sid was one of the founding members of the fire company and his mother Naomi was an original member of the Auxiliary. Gary said his father also sold fire apparatus, so they all grew up in the fire company. Sid also served as chief for many years.

“As soon as I was 18, I joined the fire company,” Gary said. “That was what you did. It was in our blood.”

“Buster” (Sidney E.) was the first to complete 50 years in the fire company, followed several years ago by brothers Howard, now Gary and next year, Dale.

The entire family was present for the occasion Saturday night, including Gary and wife Robyn’s three children, Julianne and husband Patrick McGrath and their four children; son Jeff and wife Ashly and their two children from Kansas; and daughter Jennifer Thayer, her two children and fiancé Paul Knife from Florida.

Gary said he has held every firematic position in the fire company. After serving several terms as chief, he stepped down and then returned to serve as third assistant, and back up the line again.

“I’ve always been proud to be a member of this organization,” he said.

He said he was excited beyond belief when all eight of his grandchildren showed up at his house Saturday morning. He had no idea his families from Florida and Kansas were going to attend. Daughter Julianne and family live in the area.

“I told Robyn the other day I only wished the other two could be here,” he said.

Gary Watts is flanked by his family during a celebration of his 50 years in the Shelby Volunteer Fire Company Saturday night. Wife Robyn and Gary are fifth and sixth from the left. Holding the plaque are grandchildren Jackson and Makenzie McGrath. Others in the picture, from left, are son-in-law Patrick McGrath (holding Emmalynn) daughter Julianne McGrath, granddaughter Charlotte McGrath, daughter Jennifer Thayer and fiancé Paul Knife, daughter-in-law Ashly Watts and son Jeff Watts. In front of Jennifer are Madden Thayer, Mason Thayer, Tyler Watts and Riley Watts.

The banquet began with a welcome from president Tim Petry and Auxiliary president Elaine Watts, and introduction of guests by assistant chaplain Phil Keppler. Chaplain Karl Haist Jr. said there was no memorial ceremony, as they were fortunate not to have any members pass away this year.

Executive board officers installed for next year by Tiffany Petry were Howard Watts, president; Gary Lamar, vice president; Kirk Myhill, treasurer; Dylan Sturtevant, assistant treasurer; Kali Sturtevant, secretary; Dale Watts, sergeant-at-arms; Karl Haist Jr., chaplain; Phil Keppler, assistant chaplain; Andrea Benz, steward; and Andy Benz, Bill Luckman and Nick DiCureia, trustees for three, two and one year respectively.

Tiffany Petry, standing at the podium, installs officers of the Shelby Volunteer Fire Company at their banquet on Saturday night.

Firematic officers were David Moden, chief; Zachary Petry, deputy chief; Crystal Luckman, assistant chief; Hunter Sturtevant, firematic captain; Rob Schaal, firematic lieutenant; and Jenna Simmons, EMS captain.

Shirley Printup, standing at left, installs members of the Shelby Ladies Auxiliary. They are, from left, treasurer Lori Myhill, secretary Robyn Watts, president Elaine Watts and chaplain Marian Fry. Absent is vice president Patricia Fuller.

Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary installed by Shirley Printup were Elaine Watts, president; Patricia Fuller, vice president; Robyn Watts, secretary; Lori Myhill, treasurer; Marian Fry, chaplain; Mary Herbert, one-year trustee; and Sherry Wheatley, two-year trustee.

Several proclamations were presented to the fire company in honor of its 75th anniversary. These included Senator Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, Bill Eick on behalf of the Orleans County Legislature, Steve Seitz from the Shelby Town Board and Diana Pfersick, director of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York. Seth Dumese, chief of Carlton Fire Company, presented a plaque to the fire company.

Ortt told Gary, “You come from a noble volunteer family. Your values have spread to your entire family. We need more people like you.”

Hawley said 50 years volunteering in one organization is unheard of in this day and age.

Pfersick said after the proclamations for 50 years as a volunteer firefighter, the greatest thing she could do was to honor Gary for his dedication.

(Left) Elaine Watts, left, president of the Shelby Ladies Auxiliary, chose Robyn Watts as recipient of her President’s Award. (Right) Shelby Volunteer Fire Company president Tim Petry, left, congratulates chief David Moden, who is beginning his second term in office.

Tim Petry presented his wife Dawn with a bouquet of flowers for her struggle in conquering health issues during the year.

Moden said this was the first time in 30 years he had stood at the podium as chief. He said Shelby Volunteer Fire Company was in a very unique place during this time when people are not stepping up to volunteer. He said they had gained one new member and were fortunate to have 46 different firefighters respond to calls. They averaged 14 members at each call, he said.

Moden added the fire company was fortunate to take delivery of a new tanker recently, costing more than $300,000. In comparison, he said in 1990, their last tanker cost $99,000. Also, he said in 1990 they responded to 165 calls, while this past year they had 256, the most of which were EMS.

Moden thanked his line officers from last year and significant others who helped out.

“It is they who make the chief look good,” he said.

Moden also praised the top 10 members who responded to calls last year. They were Tim Petry, Howard Watts, Gary Lamar, John Rotoli, Zach Fike, Jason Watts, Joe Kyle, Nick DiCureia, Bill Luckman and Tom Falls. Moden said the line officers will be treating the 10 men to dinner at Zambistro’s.

Auxiliary president Elaine Watts said because their groups is so small, she didn’t know what to get for a gift to the fire company, as they weren’t able to raise a lot of money. She finally settled on a set of chair stackers for the firefighters who are trying to organize their supplies.

For her President’s Award, Watts selected Robyn Watts for the honor.

“If she’s not chairing an event, she’s there to help,” Elaine said.

Shelby Volunteer Fire Company president Tim Petry, right, presented a plaque to his family for all their help during his terms in office. From left are wife Dawn, son Scott, daughter Tiffany and daughter Crystal Luckman, who just became the department’s first female assistant chief.

Tim Petry announced that Joe Kyle will become a life member this year. Petry also presented a certificate of appreciation to Scott Petry, an outgoing officer, and Tiffany Petry, outgoing secretary and EMS captain.

Tim was thanked by Chief Moden for his eight years as president.

Tim Petry presented a “Friend of the Fire Company” award to Don Marcher on behalf of Junior Wilson’s Sportsmen’s Club in Medina.

“They donate to us every year,” Petry said.

The program concluded with a roast to Gary Watts by his son Jeff.

“It is absolutely an honor and privilege to roast my father,” Jeff said, recalling the years he spent as a volunteer at Shelby. “It’s been a long time since I’ve held a mic at Shelby Fire Hall.”

He told how much he admired his father for volunteering for 50 years, while Jeff got paid as a firefighter for much of that time. He reminded the audience that volunteering is not free.

“It costs to be a volunteer, in terms of his time and the family’s time,” he said. “I call him ‘dad.’ You call him ‘volunteer.’ But we should all call him a hero.”

“Fifty years seems like a long time, but I remember the day I joined,” Gary said. “Back then we had a waiting list to join the Shelby Fire Company.”

A final recognition was given to Crystal Luckman, the fire company’s first female to serve as assistant chief and daughter of president Tim Petry.

“This has been a goal of mine since I was a little girl,” Luckman said. “It is an honor. My dad has been a great leader and role model.”

STAMP court case between Orleans and Genesee pushed back

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 December 2023 at 8:41 am

ALBION – The court case between Orleans and Genesee counties, where Orleans is trying to block a sewer main from being built on Route 63 in Shelby, was scheduled for a court appearance on Wednesday.

The lawyers representing the parties were scheduled for a 2:30 p.m. court session before Judge Frank Caruso in Niagara Falls.

But the court appearance was cancelled and court officials are working with the attorneys to line up a new date.

Orleans is represented by Lippes Mathias LLP in Buffalo and contends Genesee didn’t have the county’s permission to install the sewer main in Orleans County. The sewer, at full buildout of the STAMP manufacturing site in the Town of Alabama, would direct 6 million gallons of treated water to the Oak Orchard Creek.

Orleans contends that would have a negative impact on the county’s fishing industry, which is a nearly $30 million economic boost to Orleans County. The additional water from STAMP could also hurt the economic development efforts in Medina by overtaxing the creek, Orleans attorneys say in the lawsuit. (The Town of Shelby has since joined the lawsuit as an intervenor.)

Genesee County in its court filings contend Orleans gave consent to the project, which was years in the making, by never objecting to it – until the very last moment. Its years of silence should be viewed as support of the project, say attorneys from Phillips Lytle LLP, which are representing the Genesee County Economic Development Center and others named in the lawsuit – G. DeVincentis & Son Construction Co., Inc., Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation, and STAMP Sewer Works, Inc.

The attorneys called the lawsuit from Orleans “a baseless attempt … to obstruct or delay construction of a long-planned, duly-approved infrastructure project.”

The Genesee attorneys claim Orleans is making “obstructionist proceeding” in a last-ditch attempt to stop the project as part of an “extortionate” demand from Genesee for money to get the Orleans blessing.

At full build-out STAMP can accommodate up to 6.1 million square feet of advanced technology manufacturing, office and retail space. GCEDC projects direct employment of up to 9,330 full-time jobs with a regional economic impact for support companies serving the site.

The first two tenants at STAMP – Plug Power and Edwards Vacuum – would have a daily discharge of 50,000 gallons of treated wastewater, GCEDC said.

Shelby write-in candidate’s 422 votes were a lot but not enough to win

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 24 November 2023 at 3:26 pm

John Pratt in losing effort had one of highest write-in tallies in recent memory

SHELBY – John Pratt, a current Shelby Town Board member, attempted a rare election phenomenon in Orleans County: winning as a write-in candidate in a contested race.

Pratt lost in his bid for a four-term as a town councilman, but his 422 write-in votes are the most for a write-in candidate in recent memory.

Pratt was outpolled by Linda Limina, 787 votes; and Jeff Schiffer, 532 votes.

Warren Kruger also mounted a write-in campaign in Kendall for highway superintendent and received 84 votes to Eric Maxon’s 432. Kruger has been the highway superintend for more than 30 years. He lost a Republican Primary to Maxon, and made a late bid as a write-in candidate.

Pratt didn’t get the Republican endorsement for re-election. He decided about five weeks before the election to run a write-in campaign. He knew the chances weren’t good.

“I knew it was going to be an uphill battle,” he said today. “Everybody said I did phenomenal. I went out and hit it hard.”

Pratt got a list of 1,500 active voters in Shelby and knocked on their doors. He went campaigning every day for three weeks leading up tot election, often joined by his wife Sharlene. Pratt took out ads, sent a mailer to residents explaining his position on the issues and advised them how to fill out a write-in vote. He also sent in letters to the editor.

In the end, it wasn’t enough to win.

Pratt said he will stay active at Town Board meetings, but will be out in the audience.

In recent local elections, two candidates were elected by write-in in Medina for the Village Board in March 2014. Marguerite Sherman and Michael Sidari were elected trustees. Sherman had 229 votes and Sidari 207 to win over candidates with names printed on the ballot: incumbents David Barhite, 175; and Patricia Crowley, 171.

Sidair would later go on to be elected mayor. Sherman also remains on the board today.

The biggest write-in victory may have been in November 2015 when Jim Simon pulled off an upset for Yates town supervisor, defeating incumbent John Belson.

Simon, with backing from the Save Ontario Shores citizens group, forced a GOP primary on Sept. 10, 2015, but lost to Belson, 153-146. The race was so close it went to the absentee ballots, with Belson winning.

In a rematch in November, Belson was ahead by 14 votes, 352 to 338 for Simon after the polls closed. But there were 86 absentees.

When those absentees were counted, Simon was victor with the final tally, 393 to 379.

Simon has won re-election every two years since then, and Belson has gone on to be Lyndonville mayor.

Root, Rich, Limina and Schiffer win contentious Shelby races

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 7 November 2023 at 11:07 pm

SHELBY – A contentious election season ended in Shelby with incumbents holding their seats, except John Pratt, a current councilman who fell short in a write-in campaign.

• Linda Limina, 779, and Jeff Schiffer, 529, were both elected as Republicans. There were 427 write-in votes.

• In other contested positions, Dale Root won re-election as highway superintendent over Bill Wolters, 556 to 488. Root had the Republican and Conservative lines while Wolter ran under the Democratic Party line. Wolter works as a motor equipment operator in the highway department.

• Darlene Rich also held off a challenger and was re-elected town clerk. Rich, a Democrat, also ran under the independent “People’s Choice” Party. She received 616 votes to 446 for Christine Pask, a Republican. Rich has been the town clerk for 16 years.

• Other candidates were unopposed including: Scott Wengewicz for town supervisor, 706 votes; and Ed Grabowski for town justice, 771 votes.

Shelby files court motion to be included in Orleans suit to halt STAMP pipeline

Photo by Tom Rivers: A pipeline is under construction along Route 63 headed north in the Town of Alabama. This photo is from Sunday. The Town of Shelby is seeking to join a lawsuit to prevent the sewer line from coming into Orleans County and discharging into Oak Orchard Creek.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 14 October 2023 at 8:48 am

SHELBY – The Town of Shelby filed a motion in State Supreme Court on Friday to join Orleans County in seeking to prevent a sewer main from coming into Shelby and depositing wastewater into the Oak Orchard Creek.

The Shelby Town Board voted on Tuesday to seek to intervene in the Orleans County lawsuit. On Friday, attorneys Jeremy Sher and Jeffrey Allen of Bond, Schoeneck & King in Rochester filed the motion on behalf of Shelby.

The attorneys state Orleans County brought a proceeding to stop construction of the pipeline from the STAMP manufacturing site in Alabama. The Genesee County Economic Development Center is seeking to build the sewer line that would go nearly 10 miles from STAMP along Route 63 to Oak Orchard Creek. The sewer line is under construction and getting close to Shelby.

The motion on behalf of Shelby states the town opposes the construction of the pipeline in Shelby.

The attorneys ask to be heard on Oct. 23 in State Supreme Court at the Orleans County Courthouse “or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard.”

Scott Wengewicz, Town Supervisor in Shelby, said Shelby should be a party in the lawsuit.

“As a party, the Town would receive notice of and an opportunity to respond to all filings in the lawsuit and make its own filings if it believes that Orleans County is inadequately representing the Town’s interests,” he said on Friday.

Orleans County on Sept. 11 filed suit in State Supreme Court to stop a sewer line from coming into the Town of Shelby and depositing up to 6 million gallons of what Orleans says is “contaminated” water into the Oak Orchard Creek.

The county alleges that the Genesee County Economic Development Center formed a “sham corporation” in STAMP Sewer Works to make the 9.5-mile-long sewer main happen.

Orleans officials worry the sewer discharge could impair the water quality of the creek, cause flooding and hurt economic development opportunities at the Medina Business Park.

STAMP would send up to 6 million gallons a day of wastewater at full capacity. The first two tenants at STAMP – Plug Power and Edwards Vacuum – would have a daily discharge of 50,000 gallons of treated wastewater, GCEDC said.

Shelby urged to not allow GOP committee members to be elected officials

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 12 October 2023 at 9:09 am

Town Board considers ethics policy for officials, employees

SHELBY – The Town Board is being encouraged to insert a clause in a code of ethics policy that would forbid members of the local Republican Committee from also serving on the Town Board or other elected positions in the town.

Jim Heminway spoke during a Tuesday public hearing at the Town Hall and said the local GOP committee has a lot of influence in the town government. If there is a vacancy on the board, the committee makes a recommendation to fill the spot that is typically followed by the Republican-dominated board, Heminway said.

The positions, when up for election, are often without opposition.

“In Shelby if you get an appointment you’ll win an election because there is so little competition,” he said during the hearing about the proposed code of ethics.

The committee also yields power when it doesn’t endorse someone, or withholds an endorsement of an incumbent, Heminway said.

Charlene Pratt, whose husband John is on the Town Board and sister Darlene Rich is the town clerk, said she favors no political committee activity for sitting elected officials.

“If you’re on one you shouldn’t be on the other,” Pratt said.

Joe Root spoke during the hearing and said it difficult to find residents willing to serve in the town government, as well as filling the spots on a political committee.

He urged the board not to ban political involvement for people in elected positions or as appointed town employees.

“There are not enough people to fill the positions now,” Root said at the hearing.

The current proposed code of ethics doesn’t include the stipulation that town employees and elected officials can’t serve on political committees.

Shelby has nearly 5,000 residents. Pratt said there are enough people in town to fill elected and appointed positions in the town government, and also have other people on political committees.

Town Supervisor Scott Wengewicz said the Town Board will continue to consider the issue. The ethics policy could be voted on during a November Town Board meeting.

The town has an employee handbook that outlines ethical standards, and there is also a model code of ethics for municipalities to consider from the state comptroller’s office. That model policy (click here) doesn’t include a provision for employees or elected officials to not be on a political committee.

Shelby’s proposed policy includes provisions that people can’t use their position with the town for personal gain or to benefit their families or an organization they are affiliated with.

Municipal resources – money, vehicles, equipment, materials supplies and other property – must only be used for lawful municipal purposes and not for personal or private purposes.

There is also a nepotism provision where municipal officials and employees can not participate in any decision to appoint, hire, promote, discipline or discharge a relative for any position within the municipality, and no supervisor shall oversee a relative.

The policy also prohibits municipal officers or employees from seeking political contributions, whether gifts, money or service from a subordinate employee.

Town employees and elected officials also shall not disclose confidential information unless required by law or in the curse of exercising his or her official powers and duties.

The ethics code also prohibits town employees and officers from soliciting gifts. No gifts shall be accepted with a value exceeding $75 in one year, or if a gift is intended to influence an employee or elected official in exercising their duties.

A gift can include anything of value – money, a service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, or some other item or promise, according to the policy.

Shelby to hire attorney to look into allegations of harassment in town hall

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 11 October 2023 at 8:50 am

SHELBY – The Town Board voted to have an outside legal firm investigate allegations of harassment in the town hall.

The board on Tuesday evening responded to allegations of women being harassed in the town hall. John Pratt, a town councilman, wrote a letter to the editor posted in the Orleans Hub on Oct. 7, making the allegations.

“I have also been deeply disturbed by instances of women being verbally harassed, degraded, and disrespected by officials, both in the office and in public settings,” Pratt said. “To make matters worse, the outside consultants, funded by our own tax dollars, have at times remained silent during such offenses, or even worse has assisted in their cover-up.”

Pratt also claimed the town government suffers from a lack of professionalism, and many decisions are made behind closed doors.

The town will seek out a law firm to do the investigation and interview town employees about the work atmosphere. The cost to town will be negotiated when the Town Board talks with law firms about the investigation.

Town attorney Kathy Bennett advised the board not to discuss the matter in detail publicly due to potential litigation.

Town Supervisor Scott Wengewicz said he takes the allegations seriously and any harassment of women won’t be tolerated.

Shelby seeks to join Orleans lawsuit against STAMP sewer discharge into Oak Orchard

Photo by Tom Rivers: A sewer main is shown along Route 63 in the Town of Alabama in the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday. The Town of Shelby wants to join an Orleans County lawsuit against the sewer construction in Orleans County and the discharge of treated wastewater into Oak Orchard Creek.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 10 October 2023 at 10:00 pm

SHELBY – The Town Board, in a 4-1 vote this evening, decided it wants to join an Orleans County lawsuit that seeks to stop construction of a sewer main along Route 63 from the STAMP manufacturing site in Alabama to the Oak Orchard Creek in Shelby.

Orleans County on Sept. 11 filed suit in State Supreme Court to stop a sewer line from coming into the Town of Shelby and depositing up to 6 million gallons of what Orleans says is “contaminated” water into the Oak Orchard Creek.

The county alleges that the Genesee County Economic Development Center formed a “sham corporation” in STAMP Sewer Works to make the 9.5-mile-long sewer main happen.

Orleans officials worry the sewer discharge could impair the water quality of the creek, cause flooding and hurt economic development opportunities at the Medina Business Park.

Scott Wengewicz, Shelby town supervisor, said he agrees with the concerns voiced by the county in opposing STAMP.

Shelby will spell out it reasons for objecting to the project when it files a notice to intervene with State Supreme Court Justice Sanford Church. The judge has set a court date for Oct. 23 at the County Courthouse in Albion for the initial hearing in the Orleans lawsuit. He also has issued the preliminary injunction to not allow any sewer main construction in Orleans County until the arguments are presented in court.

Kathy Bennett, the Shelby attorney, said the town has “a right to have at seat at the table” in court and any other discussions about the project.

“We are clearly an interested party,” she said after this evening’s Town Board meeting.

Ed Zelazny, a town councilman, cast the lone vote against seeking to join the lawsuit. Zelazny said the Town Board previously voted in support of the STAMP Sewer Works. That was in a 5-0 vote on Oct. 13, 2020 when Shelby provided its consent to the forming of STAMP Sewer Works.

Zelazny said the Town Board should have demanded money to ease town taxes as part of the vote and the board members then should have stated their concerns about the impact to the Oak Orchard.

Zelazny said he doesn’t want to see the town commit to spending taxpayer dollars on another lawsuit.

Bennett, the town attorney, said the vote from Town Board about three years ago was only for the formation of STAMP Sewer Works and didn’t give Shelby’s blessing to discharging wastewater from STAMP into the Oak Orchard.

STAMP would send up to 6 million gallons a day at full capacity. The first two tenants at STAMP – Plug Power and Edwards Vacuum – would have a daily discharge of 50,000 gallons of treated wastewater, GCEDC said.

Nearly $18K raised locally for Suicide Prevention

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 10 October 2023 at 5:30 pm

Provided photos

SHELBY – The Shelby Volunteer Fire Company hosted a basket raffle on Sept. 17 which attracted more than 600 people and raised about $12,800 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

A local contingent for “Team Fuller 155” also participated in the Out of the Darkness Buffalo walk for Suicide Prevention at Canalside in Buffalo on Sept. 23.

With the basket raffle and the walk the local group raised $17,543 for Suicide Prevention, said Ike Watts, one of the leaders of the local effort.

Ike Watts, left, and her husband Jason Watts are pictured on Sept. 23 during Out of the Darkness Buffalo, a walk to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Ike Watts lost two people close to her to suicide. Both were first responders and public employees. She said first responders are often the last ones to seek out help, despite being exposed to many traumatic situations, that often leave them in physical and emotional pain.

The Watts and Fuller families have participated in the walk in Buffalo since 2016. This year a basket raffle was added in Shelby to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

A big group attended Out of the Darkness at Canalside in Buffalo.

Ike Watts doesn’t want there to be a stigma with suicide. She wants people to feel comfortable reaching out for help if they are struggling.

Medina FFA students served breakfast at the basket raffle event on Sept. 17. At left is Jack Cecchini and Maddie Farley is at right.

Watts praised a local committee for joining her in organizing the event on Sept. 17: Rebecca Lacy, Tammy Fearby, Christine Crane, Todd Eick and Stacey Knights. Watts said she expects the raffle will be back again next year after this year’s successful debut.

Knights and Kaderli families thankful for community support of fund helping those with cancer

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 8 October 2023 at 9:38 pm

Photos by Tom Rivers

EAST SHELBY – Aaron Knights welcomes walkers and joggers to a 5K for the Knights-Kaderli Fund that started near the East Shelby Fire Hall on Saturday at 11 a.m.

Knights is the son of the late Richard Knights, who died from cancer at age 38 in 1984. He is part of the inspiration for the Knights-Kaderli Fund, which directs about $40,000 to $50,000 a year to help people in Orleans County who are battling cancer.

The fund also is named in honor of Sue Kaderli, who died from cancer at age 52 in 1989.

The 35th annual walk/run is one of several fundraisers for the Knights-Kaderli Fund. The walk headed from the fire hall down East Shelby Road.

The Knights and Kaderli families estimate that more than $1 million has been used from the fund since it was established, helping cover some of the utilities, co-pays and other bills for people fighting cancer.

The fund typically assists about 40 to 50 people a year with some of their expenses.

“We’ve been through what these people are going through,” said Mary (Kaderli) Zelazny, one of Sue’s daughter. “The last thing you should to worry about is how you should pay a bill. If we can ease that burden that is a great help to people.”

There were about 140 baskets up for raffle, which drew a crowd of people hoping they would be able to take home some of the items.

Mary Zelazny said she is grateful for the many residents and businesses that donated baskets for the event.

“We’re grateful to live in this county,” Zelazny said. “People are very caring.”

There were also other higher-end items up for raffle.

Butchie Stockwell, right in yellow, is on the move in the 5K walk with her friend Nicki Dresser and Nicki’s daughter Cece, 7.

Stockwell said the Knights-Kaderli Fund provided some financial assistance when her parents, Bill and Connie Lyster, both had cancer. Stockwell said the funds eased some of the worries during a difficutl time for her late parents.

Stockwell said she is pleased the Knights and Kaderli families remain committed to the cause of helping many local families each year.

For more information on the Fund, click here or contact Mary Zelazny at (585) 746-8455, Melissa Knights Bertrand at (716) 983-7932 or Stacey Knights Pellicano at (716) 998-0977.

Knights-Kaderli celebrating 35th anniversary 5K walk/run on Oct. 7

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 30 September 2023 at 7:26 am

Event includes big basket raffle at East Shelby Fire Hall

Photo by Ginny Kropf: From left behind table, Laura Marek, Stacey Knights Pellicano and May Zelazny talk to a volunteer, Christine Griffin, during the 2022 Knights-Kaderli Walk/Run. The fundraiser is scheduled this year on Oct. 7.

MEDINA – The Knights-Kaderli Walk/Run will celebrate its 35th year on Oct. 7 when the annual event takes place at East Shelby Volunteer Fire Hall.

The fund was formed when the families of Richard Knights and Sue Kaderli, who both died from cancer, decided to combine their individual fundraisers into one.

Since then, the Knights-Kaderli Fund has assisted local families battling cancer with transportation costs, prescription drugs, nutritional supplements, medical supplies and household bills, to the tune of $40,000 to $50,000 a year, according to Mary Zelazny, Kaderli’s daughter. That adds up to almost $1.5 million.

This year the walk/run will resemble the more casual family atmosphere of the earlier years, said Knights’ daughter, Stacey Knights Pellicano.

“This is our favorite time of year,” Zelazny said. “We look forward to being with all of our supporters. If you have ever participated in our event, you understand the energy of that day. It gives us hope and unites participants. We know the community will show up to support their neighbors who are living with cancer. Richard Knights and Sue Kaderli were known for their spirit of community and we are honored to remember them in this way.”

Registration is at 10 a.m. and the walk will begin at 11 a.m. at East Shelby Volunteer Fire Hall. The event will continue as an untimed walk/run so registrants can participate in a leisurely walk with family and friends or set their watches for a 5K run.

As always, participants and the community are invited to support the basket raffle. Lunch will be served immediately after the race and guests may eat outside under the pavilion. Participants are also reminded to take photographs and post on Facebook and Instagram for some fun prizes. Tag #KnightsKaderli5K.

In addition to raising funds through annual events, Knights-Kaderli Fund receives donations from individuals, organizations and memorials. The fund a tax-exempt 501©3 organization, run by a board of directors. This means there are no administrative costs, thereby allowing almost 100 percent of money raised to assist Orleans County cancer patients and their families.

For more information or financial assistance, contact Mary Zelazny at (585) 746-8455, Melissa Knights Bertrand at (716) 983-7932 or Stacey Knights Pellicano at (716) 998-0977.

Online registration for the event may be made by clicking here.

Direct donations may be made through PayPal and a credit card (click here for more information) or through Venmo @knightskaderli.