Orleans has one new Covid-19 case, a Shelby resident
Student tests positive at BOCES in Batavia
Orleans County is reporting one new confirmed case of Covid-19 today, a resident of Shelby who is in the 0-19 age group.
The individual was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive, said the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments.
Orleans has now had 344 people test positive for Covid-19 since March.
Two of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation, bringing the total recoveries in the community to 164.
Orleans also is reporting 3 new individuals on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
Genesee County doesn’t have any new confirmed cases of Covid-19 today, and remains at 345 positive cases since March.
The Health Departments, however, are reporting a student at the Genesee Valley Area Partnership who attended the BOCES site in Batavia has tested positive for Covid.
“The individual has been placed under mandatory isolation where they will remain until they are fully recovered,” The Health Departments said. “Contact tracing is in process. Individuals identified by the health department as being close contacts have been and/or will be contacted and placed under mandatory quarantine. Individuals identified by the health department as being close contacts will be expected to follow the New York State Department of Health quarantine guidelines.”
Genesee also is reporting two more Covid recoveries and those people have been released from mandatory isolation. Genesee now has 266 recoveries in the community from Covid.
Genesee also has 25 new individuals on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
In the past week, Orleans reported 18 more confirmed cases of Covid while Genesee has 10 more.
To see an online map of confirmed in the Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming counties, click here.
More from the Genesee & Orleans County Health Departments:
• Flu Season: With flu season quickly approaching it is important to get your flu shots now to build up immunity. It generally takes two weeks before immunity is built up after getting the shot.
Once you have the flu vaccine, if you do get the flu, research shows that the vaccination reduces the risk of severe illness. Getting a flu vaccine can save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19 and other illnesses. Talk with your primary care provider today.
• Traveler Health Form: For all out-of-state or international travelers from NYS restricted states or countries, whether arriving by land or air, must self-identify by completing a traveler health form or be subject to a $2,000 fine. Click here for the traveler health form.