Orleans Extension unveils legacy campaign
CCE seeks renovations to Trolley Building, other improvements
File photo by Tom Rivers – In this photo from July 2013, Noah Preston of Barre hoses down livestock at the wash rack. The Cooperative Extension wants to upgrade the wash rack as part of a series of improvements at the fairgrounds.
Press Release
Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension
KNOWLESVILLE – The Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension has announced a new Legacy Capital Campaign. The campaign identifies several critical improvements needed at the Orleans County Fairgrounds to continue the Extension’s long-standing tradition of education and community service.
These projects include extensive renovation to the Trolley Building that will feature an updated kitchen, installing a new floor in the Wachob Building, replacing a wash rack by the Cattle Barn, purchasing a generator, and paying the debt on a new finish mower.
The legacies of past generations are featured by the campaign as a reminder that Orleans County residents are pretty amazing. For example, Harold “Mike” Trolley, for which the Trolley Building is named, led the purchase and development of the present day fairgrounds, creating a legacy for the 4-H Fair.
Later, in 1968, Paul Klatt began a walk-a-thon that spanned over three decades and raised thousands of dollars for fairgrounds improvements, building a legacy of tradition and service. Then Corkey Van Den Bosch served as baker for the 1977 world’s largest pie, leaving a legacy of ingenuity and community pride. To this day, residents visit the fairgrounds, often with children, to see the famous pie pan.
Orleans Extension seeks to honor those who have made a difference in Orleans County by continuing their efforts to build a legacy of improving people’s lives. The Board of Directors will meet with committee leaders this month as part of their strategic planning efforts to identify how to best serve more people, expand high quality educational opportunities, further youth development and leadership, and increase volunteer engagement to develop goals for Extension 2020.
Long-term plans for the 4-H food stands are also a topic for discussion as the initial community center proposal has transitioned to a Trolley Building expansion due to costs and maintenance constraints.
While many volunteers are optimistic about the future, they acknowledge improvement will take a great deal of hard work and collaboration. However, the outcomes far outweigh the costs. As Board President, Ed Neal, noted, “Even if the 4-H fair only makes a difference in the life of one kid, it is worth it.” Given 4-H’s enrollment is at about 350 youth and 70 volunteers, Orleans Extension is making a tremendous impact, and the Legacy Capital Campaign will allow this impact to continue long into the future.
The first campaign contribution received was $1,400 toward the Wachob Building project. The Board of Directors will provide an update on the campaign’s progress and the proposed projects at the OCCCE annual meeting on Dec. 2. The event will begin at 6:30 pm in the Trolley Building at the Fairgrounds.
All county residents are welcome to attend the annual meeting, enjoy dinner, and participate in voting for new board members, approving a constitutional amendment, and recognizing the exemplary service of OCCCE volunteers. Dinner tickets are $15 each and RSVPs can be made through the Extension office at 585-798-4265 or orleans@cornell.edu.