Orleans Dem leader endorses McMurray for another run at Congress

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 10 November 2019 at 4:44 pm

Nate McMurray

Nate McMurray, a Democrat who lost a close election about a year ago to Chris Collins, has been endorsed by the Orleans County Democratic Party chairwoman.

Jeanne Crane, leader of the Orleans County Democrats, joins four other Democratic Party leaders in endorsing McMurray in an upcoming special election to fill a vacancy in the 27thCongressional District.

Collins resigned in September ahead of a guilty plea in federal court in a case about insider trading.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo hasn’t set a date for the special election to fill the vacancy.

“I am so pleased to support Nate in the upcoming special election,” Crane said. “He has visited Orleans County many times and is very aware of what our small county faces every day … few jobs, lack of affordable housing, and high taxes. We need Nate!”

McMurray, the current Grand Island town supervisor, also works as vice president of Business Development for Delaware North. He has also been endorsed by the Democratic Party leaders in Niagara, Wyoming, Monroe, and Genesee counties.

“I am excited to have Jeanne Crane and the Orleans County Democrats with me as I run for Congress,” he said in a statement. “For the last few years, Western New York has not had the representation it deserved in Congress, and it hurt our working families and economy. I am ready to be the fighter we need to deliver healthcare access, jobs, and infrastructure investment.”

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