Orleans County government honored for risk management, safety and training efforts

Posted 19 September 2022 at 2:20 pm

Press Release, New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal

BUFFALO – At the 2022 Fall Seminar of the New York State Association of Counties being held this week in Buffalo, the County of Orleans was honored with receipt of the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (NYMIR) Risk Management Award, which is given annually in recognition of a member county’s commitment to sound risk management, safety and training efforts.

The award was presented to the Chair of the Orleans County Legislature Lynne Johnson by NYSAC’s Executive Director Stephen Acquario and NYMIR’s Executive Director Kevin Crawford.  The award’s inscription reads: “In recognition of a commitment to sound risk management, safety and training that makes a difference.”

In presenting the glass crystal award, Mr. Crawford stated that, “Effective risk management requires a team approach, everyone working together to reduce the liability and exposures which are inherent in so many local government operations. Orleans was chosen from among our subscribing members – which includes 33 counties – because of the way in which its officers and employees respond to risk recommendations and other loss control suggestions.  Examples abound. Orleans County has been exceptionally attentive to key risk management procedures both operationally and from a property preservation perspective.”

Crawford praised the county for planned preventive maintenance and upgrades ahead of foreseeable end of life and obsolescence issues have meant that there has not been a single property claim at the county in the last five years.

Over 200 employees having taken NYMIR’s courses in Preventing Phishing, Data Privacy and Safe Computing. In total, over 1,300 online training sessions with NYMIR have been recorded for the County.

Stephen Acquario concluded his award presentation remarks by adding, “since it joined the Reciprocal as one of the very first Subscribers back in January of 1994, the County has remained committed improving safety within its ranks. It has a group of officials and employees who take risk management into account and are proud to do so. Likewise, NYMIR and NYSAC are proud to recognize their efforts today.”